Bibliographic citations
Cortijo, R., (2019). Mejora al sistema vial del distrito Jesús María empleando movilidad urbana sostenible enfocado en transporte no motorizado variando los niveles de servicio [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Cortijo, R., Mejora al sistema vial del distrito Jesús María empleando movilidad urbana sostenible enfocado en transporte no motorizado variando los niveles de servicio [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2019.
title = "Mejora al sistema vial del distrito Jesús María empleando movilidad urbana sostenible enfocado en transporte no motorizado variando los niveles de servicio",
author = "Cortijo Bustamante, Rodrigo Alvaro",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2019"
In the present thesis, it was analyzed if in a vehicular road, in an urban district, there would be improvements in the levels of service if a network of bicycle lanes were implemented in this district. Before proposing such a network, the manuals of bicycle lanes of Peru, Spain, Germany, Holland and Chile were researched and analyzed in order to be able to propose an own methodology according to the district. Once the 12 traces of the bicycle network were made, a macroscopic analysis of the road system of Metropolitan Lima was carried out to observe if the levels of service or delay times at the intersections of a vehicle road were one of the 12 bicycle traces was implemented varied. Also, different additional scenarios were presented, varying the matrix of origin and destination of motorized and nonmotorized vehicles in order to be able to compare how these changes in the matrix would affect the levels of service. A total of ten (10) scenarios were executed. Finally, the results of the analysis showed that just adding a network of bicycle lanes or increasing the number of non-motorized vehicles does not generate an improvement in the level of service or delay time; however, decreasing the number of motorized vehicles, varying the matrix origin destination, does decrease the congestion proportionally to the number of motorized vehicles. Therefore, the implementation of sustainable urban mobility policies is recommended in order to solve the congestion problem to be able to increase the levels of service on urban roads.
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