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Quispe, S., (2019). Análisis de confiabilidad de la capacidad de carga de pilotes hincados [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Quispe, S., Análisis de confiabilidad de la capacidad de carga de pilotes hincados [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2019.
title = "Análisis de confiabilidad de la capacidad de carga de pilotes hincados",
author = "Quispe Camacho, Sisa Ulrike",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2019"
Title: Análisis de confiabilidad de la capacidad de carga de pilotes hincados
Authors(s): Quispe Camacho, Sisa Ulrike
Advisor(s): Trejo Noreña, Pablo César
Keywords: Confiabilidad; Pilotes hincados; Capacidad de carga
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2019
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: La seguridad en las cimentaciones profundas es un tema muy importante debido a la creciente necesidad de desarrollar proyectos de este tipo que garanticen un adecuado desempeño y que sean económicos. Esta investigación presenta una metodología para la evaluación de la seguridad en las cimentaciones profundas mediante un análisis de confiabilidad, donde la medición de seguridad está asociada a una determinada probabilidad de falla. Se desarrollaron cuatro metodologías para el análisis de confiabilidad de la capacidad de carga de pilotes, la primera está basada en pruebas de carga y las otras metodologías en ensayos in situ SPT. Para cada metodología se presentó un caso de estudio de proyecto con pilotaje desarrollado en Perú, se evaluó la seguridad por medio de un análisis de confiabilidad y se determinó la probabilidad de falla mediante los siguientes métodos basados en confiabilidad: Primer orden y segundo momento; FORM (Hasofer y Lind); FOSM Avanzado; y Simulación Monte Carlo (MCS). El análisis de confiabilidad desarrollado con los diferentes métodos permitió evaluar la seguridad de la cimentación en pilotes, y determinar la probabilidad de falla en función de la capacidad admisible del suelo-pilote. Este análisis considera que la complejidad del comportamiento del macizo de suelo y del elemento estructural de fundación, sometidos a cargas, pueden ser evaluados por medio de las variables aleatorias: solicitación y resistencia, que consideran las incertidumbres propias del sistema. Se concluye de modo general que el análisis determinístico (factores de seguridad globales) es insuficiente para diseñar con seguridad una cimentación sobre pilotes, es necesario realizar el análisis de confiabilidad para viabilizar la ejecución de proyectos seguros.
Safety in deep foundations is a very important issue due to the growing need to develop projects of this kind that guarantee adequate performance, and which are economic. This research presents a methodology for the assessment of safety in deep foundations through reliability analysis, where the measurements of safety is associated with a certain probability of failure. Four methodologies were developed for the reliability analysis of the pile load capacity, the first is based on load tests and the other methodologies in SPT in situ tests. For each methodology, a case of study with deep foundation in Peru was presented, safety was assessed through reliability analysis and the probability of failure was determined by the following methods based on reliability: First order and second moment; FORM (Hasofer and Lind); Advanced FOSM; and Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS). The reliability analysis developed with the different methods allowed to evaluate the safety of the foundation on piles and determine the probability of failure based on the admissible capacity of the soil-pile. This analysis considers the complexity of the behavior of the soil mass and the structural foundation element subjected to loads, can be evaluated by mean of random variables: demand and strength, which consider the uncertainties inherent to the system. It is generally concluded that the deterministic analysis (global safety factors) is insufficient to safely design a foundation on pile, it is necessary to carry out reliability analyses to allow the execution of safe projects.
Safety in deep foundations is a very important issue due to the growing need to develop projects of this kind that guarantee adequate performance, and which are economic. This research presents a methodology for the assessment of safety in deep foundations through reliability analysis, where the measurements of safety is associated with a certain probability of failure. Four methodologies were developed for the reliability analysis of the pile load capacity, the first is based on load tests and the other methodologies in SPT in situ tests. For each methodology, a case of study with deep foundation in Peru was presented, safety was assessed through reliability analysis and the probability of failure was determined by the following methods based on reliability: First order and second moment; FORM (Hasofer and Lind); Advanced FOSM; and Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS). The reliability analysis developed with the different methods allowed to evaluate the safety of the foundation on piles and determine the probability of failure based on the admissible capacity of the soil-pile. This analysis considers the complexity of the behavior of the soil mass and the structural foundation element subjected to loads, can be evaluated by mean of random variables: demand and strength, which consider the uncertainties inherent to the system. It is generally concluded that the deterministic analysis (global safety factors) is insufficient to safely design a foundation on pile, it is necessary to carry out reliability analyses to allow the execution of safe projects.
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Discipline: Maestría en Ciencias con Mención en Ingeniería Geotécnica
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Civil. Unidad de Posgrado
Grade or title: Maestro en Ciencias con Mención en Ingeniería Geotécnica
Juror: Sánchez Moya, Víctor
Register date: 28-Apr-2021
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