Bibliographic citations
Valerio, J., (2019). Preparación de probetas de concreto con nanotubos de carbono para el mejoramiento de sus propiedades [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Valerio, J., Preparación de probetas de concreto con nanotubos de carbono para el mejoramiento de sus propiedades [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2019.
title = "Preparación de probetas de concreto con nanotubos de carbono para el mejoramiento de sus propiedades",
author = "Valerio Yachachin, Joe Takeshi",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2019"
The present research project presents the study of the elaboration and carbonation, mechanical, morphological, structural and electrical properties of concrete doped with carbon nanotubes to analyze its advantages in future applications in construction. For the development of this investigation, cylindrical and cubic specimens were prepared, as well as a carbonation chamber was designed. In addition, the study of the presence of Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) was considered. The specimen preparations were made by Standard ASTM C305-14 for mortars and cement paste. In addition, according to the results of granulometry using the normal ASTM C136, the sand from the company UNICON was used in the mortars. The characterization of carbonation for test specimens was done using a closed chamber where CO_2 was entered in approximately 8% by mass with respect to air. This part of the work was developed in the Laboratory No. 1 of Material Testing (LEM) of the Civil Engineering School of the National University of Engineering. On the other hand, the mechanical characterization of the specimens consisted of the development of mechanical comprehension tests using the ASTM C109 Standard, all of them carried out in the Laboratory No. 1 of Material Testing. In relation to the study of structural and morphological properties, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy were used, both techniques were developed in the Faculty of Sciences of the National University of Engineering. The electrical characterization of cement pastes was carried out using the method of the four tips of Wenner, the ASTM G57-06 Standard. This part of the work was developed in Para-Rayos S.A.C Lima-Perú. As a result of accelerated carbonation, it was found that the maximum amount of Carbon Nanotubes that can be added to the specimens for a greater impermeability of carbon dioxide is 0.5% in relation to the mass of cement. According to the compression results, the mortar specimens with 1% Sol cement of Carbon Nanotubes in relation to the cement mass had the highest average value that was 6,626 kN / cm-2, compared to that of the specimens without Additives with sun cement that were 5.05 kN / cm-2. Finding a maximum increase of 30% in compression pressure. According to the scanning electron microscopy photographs, the morphology and the CaCO3 compound can be observed inside the specimens, which is evidence of the carbonation process. In the case of the Carbon Nanotubes, they present an agglomerated distribution and with little dispersion inside the specimens. The XRD studies, we had that portlandite and calcite have hexagonal structures. Finally, the results of the electrical resistivity in the samples without additive and with 1% Carbon Nanotubes showed qualitatively that the samples with carbon nanotubes have lower porosity compared to the samples without additive.
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