Bibliographic citations
Querebalú, C., (2019). Evaluación de la dosis periférica para tratamientos de radiocirugía en blancos simulados en diferentes posiciones de la cabeza de un fantoma [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Querebalú, C., Evaluación de la dosis periférica para tratamientos de radiocirugía en blancos simulados en diferentes posiciones de la cabeza de un fantoma [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2019.
title = "Evaluación de la dosis periférica para tratamientos de radiocirugía en blancos simulados en diferentes posiciones de la cabeza de un fantoma",
author = "Querebalú García, Cecilia",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2019"
In radiotherapy treatments, there is always an absorbed dose, D, that is deposited outside the treatment field, this D is known as "Peripheral Dose”,DP. For treatments of radiosurgery the same thing happens, despite being small fields (<4 x 4 cm2), there are other factors such as high deposited in a single fraction that causes DP. The evaluation of this D is of utmost importance especially in patients with long survival after treatment. The objective of this work was to evaluate DP in radiosurgery treatments for the simulated targets in different positions ofthe head of an anthropomorphic half-body phantom, with the technique offour ares and planning criteria, such as collimator size, the position of the target on the head and prescribed D. The development of the work contemplates the use ofthe EBT2 radiochromic films, the characteristics were characterized and calibrated with a photon beam of 6 MV generated in a linear accelerator Clinac 2100C / D. lt was defined 9 anatomical positions, these were, eyes, thyroid, upper lungs, mediastinum, breasts and navel and 57 radiosurgery plans were made to evaluate DP in ali positions of possible targets in the head. The characterization of the films, shows a reproducibility with uncertainty of± 1.3% (2^), linearity for a range of D up to 93 cGy with linearity coefficient of r2 = 0.9998, dose rate dependence of ±4.7% (2^), dependence of energy oflinearity coefficient of r2 = 0.9412 and in the calibration a maximum uncertainty of 1.8% (2^). Analyzing the intluence of collimator size, greater DP (150.81 ± 0.97) cGy was found in the right eye of the phantom for the collimator of 3.0 cm with a target fixed in the upper right plane of the head of the phantom and its influence with the distance of, a DP of (27.14 ± 1.04) cGy in the thyroid, for a target positioned in the lower left plane of the phantom head for a D prescribed of 18 Gy. It is concluded that to carry out the optimization during the procedure in radiosurgery it is necessary to know the dependence of the DP with respect to the location of the target, the size of collimator and the distance. It is therefore essential to take it into account in order to choose the most appropriate treatment plan to deliver the maximum D to the target, while minimizing the D to the organs outside the target of the treatment.
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