Citas bibligráficas
Ramos, V., (2018). Variación de la exposición sonora ocupacional en el interior de cabinas de semirremolques en rutas de Lima Metropolitana debido al cierre de parabrisas laterales [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Ramos, V., Variación de la exposición sonora ocupacional en el interior de cabinas de semirremolques en rutas de Lima Metropolitana debido al cierre de parabrisas laterales [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2018.
title = "Variación de la exposición sonora ocupacional en el interior de cabinas de semirremolques en rutas de Lima Metropolitana debido al cierre de parabrisas laterales",
author = "Ramos Quiñónez, Vladimir Ulises",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2018"
Due to the inclusion of standard R.M. 375-2008-TR, Basic Standard of Ergonomics and Disergonomic Risk Assessment, in Peruvian legislation, parameters were stablished that allowed to adjust the working conditions in order to provide welfare, safety and greater efficiency in the performance of employees. This initiative was reinforced with the establishment of Law 29783, regulation amendments, which requires every company to have records of monitoring of physical agents, including noise, to finally propose control measures. However, taking into account the great diversity of scenarios within occupational areas, it is necessary to have tools to remedy the situation, in this case, facing exposure to noise. The objective of this study was to provide an option of easy access to the truck drivers to preserve their hearing. The exposure to noise during a two week period was evaluated, a very representative route to the activities of a transport company operating in Lima Metropolitana to determine the level of noise to which the drivers of said route are exposed, the first week with the open side windshields and the second week with closed side windshields, in both cases the methodology proposed in the ISO 9612 standard was applied Acoustics - Determination of exposure to occupational noise - Engineering method. Finally, a survey was carried out in order to predict the feasibility and predisposition of drivers to drive with closed windshields in case of the hypothesis, that the noise is lower when the windshields are closed, be certain. PREAMBLE By performing a summary analysis of the auditory evaluations of a group of drivers with different years of experience, we can observe a recurrent pattern in the results, this pattern gives us an indication that the activity of drivers could be linked to the progressive detriment of hearing in the drivers.
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