Bibliographic citations
Melgarejo, A., (2019). Aplicación de una metodología para la gestión de contratos de concesión de infraestructura aeroportuaria en el Perú [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Melgarejo, A., Aplicación de una metodología para la gestión de contratos de concesión de infraestructura aeroportuaria en el Perú [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2019.
title = "Aplicación de una metodología para la gestión de contratos de concesión de infraestructura aeroportuaria en el Perú",
author = "Melgarejo Sánchez, Avita Mónica",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2019"
The present research work entitled: "Application of a Methodology for the Management of Concession Contracts in Airport Infrastructure in Peru", focuses on the role of OSITRAN, within the framework of its role as supervisor of investments or projects that are executed by private companies or concessionaires in the airport infrastructure of the country. The approach of the problem is based on a diagnosis of the organic unit in charge of carrying out the supervisory function, this is the Jefatura de Contratos Aeroportuarios- JCA, elaborated through systematic observations of the current reality, bibliographical review and surveys to the professionals who works in the JCA. Thus, from this exploratory, we have probed that the JCA remains in the traditional way of working, characterized by being bureaucratic, slow and obsolete, without having implemented substantial changes that allow it to face the changes that occur in airport engineering. Specifically, the analysis focuses on the future scenario of simultaneous supervision of three major investment projects in the airport area, such as: the Construction of the AIJCH Extension, the Improvement of the Runway and Perimeter Fence of Chiclayo Airport and the Improvement of the Runway and System and Perimetric Fence of the Piura Airport. The theoretical framework is developed in four platforms, which have the purpose of placing the present research in the context of: the new Public Administration undertaken by the government, in the normative of creation and on which the management of OSITRAN is developed, in the system of concession contracts and in the situational status of the airports that are currently under the concession system. Likewise, the present investigation is based on specialized theoretical bases such as the public economic theory of goods, applicable to the characteristics presented by airports in society, in the theory of contracts, which studies the consequences of the existence of information asymmetry between diverse economic agents that sign a contract, develops the process management theories and finally the electronic government and the use of information and communication technologies. Therefore, this research, that is based on a projective type of research, formulates as a general hypothesis, the improvement of the performance of the supervisory function of OSITRAN through a new management methodology for airport infrastructure concession contracts, which proposes two dependent variables: the implementation of processes management and the implementation of a modern and electronic management. The operationalization takes place through the formulation of the Strategic Plan 2018- 2022, with the clear definition of effectiveness and efficiency indicators, which will allow to know the results, achievements or effects of the proposal.
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