Bibliographic citations
Solari, H., (2018). Aplicación del modelo SWAT en la evaluación de impactos en la subcuenca del río Suyamarca por las actividades de la unidad operativa Pallancata [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Solari, H., Aplicación del modelo SWAT en la evaluación de impactos en la subcuenca del río Suyamarca por las actividades de la unidad operativa Pallancata [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2018.
title = "Aplicación del modelo SWAT en la evaluación de impactos en la subcuenca del río Suyamarca por las actividades de la unidad operativa Pallancata",
author = "Solari García, Henry Manuel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2018"
The present investigation used SWAT model to estimate the monthly flows in the Hydrographic Units (HU) at the local level (HU Suyamarca III, Suyamarca IX and Ranichico) of the Suyamarca river basin, with the objective of evaluating its utility to identify impacts to the flow through operations of the Pallancata Mine, which is a polymetallic underground exploitation located politically in the department of Ayacucho, province of Parinacochas, district of Coronel Castañeda, and owned by Compañía Minera Ares S.A. For this purpose, the study estimated the flows of these three hydrographic units for the Scenario “No Project” (without considering the footprints of the mine components) and for the Scenario “With Project” (considering the footprints of the components of the mine already implemented). We took mainly meteorological data, description of the projected activities and cartographic information of environmental baseline, current and projected facilities. The result of the simulations carried out in the modeling process allowed us to evaluate the historical series of flows generated for the period 1998-2014 under the No Project and With Project scenarios. The reduction of flow in the scenarios “No project” and “With project” fluctuates between 0% and 6.4% in the Ranichico hydrographic unit, between 0% and 3.5% in the Intercuenca Suyamarca III hydrographic unit and between 0% and 1.5% in the Intercuenca hydrographic unit Suyamarca IX. Therefore, it is possible to estimate the environmental impact of the operations of the Pallancata Operating Unit, although given the magnitude of the project, the impact is minimal and within the error range of the model.
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