Bibliographic citations
Mejía, S., (2018). Mejora de procesos en el área de control de producción de una empresa de neumáticos empleando la metodología DMAIC [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Mejía, S., Mejora de procesos en el área de control de producción de una empresa de neumáticos empleando la metodología DMAIC [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2018.
title = "Mejora de procesos en el área de control de producción de una empresa de neumáticos empleando la metodología DMAIC",
author = "Mejía Zamalloa, Stuart",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2018"
The present thesis research work is about using the DMAIC methodology in the area of production control to achieve a good decision of the manufacturing management. The present research work contains 6 chapters, which are described below: In the first chapter, shortcomings at the operational and administrative level are identified and analyzed, and hasty decisions at the last minute can lead to costly results of low quality. The second chapter presents the theoretical framework of theoretical concepts such as the phases of the DMAIC methodology, quality tools and, among others. In the third chapter the description of the company, the sector to which it belongs, its aspect of organization, administration and its productive process is presented. In the fourth chapter presents the current diagnosis of the company, a SWOT analysis and the current problems.
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