Bibliographic citations
Celis, M., Corro, A. (2018). Propuesta de implementación del ciclo Deming para la mejora del proceso de almacenamiento y selección de materia prima de una empresa pesquera [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Celis, M., Corro, A. Propuesta de implementación del ciclo Deming para la mejora del proceso de almacenamiento y selección de materia prima de una empresa pesquera [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2018.
title = "Propuesta de implementación del ciclo Deming para la mejora del proceso de almacenamiento y selección de materia prima de una empresa pesquera",
author = "Corro Cortéz, Adil Santiago Junior",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2018"
The present thesis analyzes an existing problem within a fishing company that produces fishmeal and fish oil. When processing organic raw material (mainly anchovy), it suffers a permanent decomposition process and immediately after being captured, which directly affects the quality of the raw material and the final product that is produced. The raw material loses its quality as time passes and through its route it passes through the discharge (from the boats to the plant), the conveyors of meshes to their storage in pools. However, once entered into the production process there is a greater regulation of quality parameters, in addition that most of the productive subprocesses are mechanical so that the quality is not altered. The greater time of paralysis of the raw material and its consequent degradation occurs during its storage in pools, reason why it is considered a critical stage to analyze and improve. Also, the decision of which raw material of all pools should enter the production process is currently based on not updated data and experience. Therefore, the analysis focuses on the process of storage and selection of raw material of a fishing company to optimize the decision to feed the process and generate more economic income for the company. To develop the improvement we rely on the methodology of the Deming Cycle. In the Plan, root causes are identified and solutions are proposed. In Doing each solution is detailed: first, the required information is secured (a laboratory is proposed to be built and a new traceability report is drawn up) to execute an algorithm that optimizes the decisión, which is supported by a new flow of information. In the Verify, the results of the algorithm are compared with those obtained during the season under analysis. Finally, in the Actuar, procedures and instructions for use are established to register and make the improvement sustainable. Finally, an economic - financial analysis is performed, the result of which indicates that the implementation of the improvement is viable because it presents an IRR of 127% that allows an incremental income for the company of $ 66 631.64 at the end of the evaluated period.
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