Bibliographic citations
Yika, L., (2018). Aplicación de Lean Construction en la planificación, programación, ejecución y control del proyecto condominio Oasis Bahía de Paracas [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Yika, L., Aplicación de Lean Construction en la planificación, programación, ejecución y control del proyecto condominio Oasis Bahía de Paracas [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2018.
title = "Aplicación de Lean Construction en la planificación, programación, ejecución y control del proyecto condominio Oasis Bahía de Paracas",
author = "Yika Prieto, Luis Ricardo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2018"
This thesis is based on the common need of the human being for rest and how, through engineering, we can benefit the final user to satisfy this need. In Peru, a large percentage of people choose to rent or buy beach houses but unfortunately this is not within the economic reach of the average citizen, for this reason, this thesis has the hypothesis that using Lean Construction tools we can make more efficient a construction company (Suma Arquitectos) and thus optimize their processes to obtain less waste in cost and time, and indirectly benefit the final user with a quality product at a lower price. Therefore, in this thesis we will appreciate the application of Lean Construction tools to the planning, programming, execution and control of an urban habilitation project, the Bay of Paracas Oasis Condominium, located in Paracas, district of Pisco (Ica Region). Having a desert climate and being a few meters from the sea, carrying out a project of such magnitude in such a place, demands a very good organization both at managerial and operational level, since apart from the variability of a project and the unfavorable conditions of the context (phreatic level at -1.2m on average, sandy terrain, high temperatures and a lot of breeze), an immovable restriction by the board of owners, represented by the developer, Real Estate Company of Paracas, is the deadline of 6 months (July 2017 - January 2018). At the end of the present study, the results, benefits, conclusions and recommendations will be sustained as a result of having experienced the Lean tools in the Oasis Bahía de Paracas Condominium project in the context of Paracas.
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