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Shimabukuro, P., (2013). Centro de Interpretación Dama de Ampato y Santuario en Altura CI-DAMP [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Shimabukuro, P., Centro de Interpretación Dama de Ampato y Santuario en Altura CI-DAMP [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2013.
title = "Centro de Interpretación Dama de Ampato y Santuario en Altura CI-DAMP",
author = "Shimabukuro Shimabukuro, Paulo César",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2013"
Title: Centro de Interpretación Dama de Ampato y Santuario en Altura CI-DAMP
Authors(s): Shimabukuro Shimabukuro, Paulo César
Advisor(s): Solari Lazarte, Luis Enrique
Issue Date: 2013
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: El 2 de setiembre de 1995 se organizó una expedición al volcán Ampato (Arequipa) para observar los efectos de la erupción del volcán Sabancaya y la posible detección de alguna evidencia arqueológica; un destello de luz llamo la atención de los investigadores; debido a un inusual deshielo se encontró a la momia denominada "JUANITA, LA NIÑA DE LOS HIELOS", también conocida como La Dama del Ampato, La doncella de los Andes, en muy buen estado de conservación, a excepción de algunas partes de su cuerpo que estuvieron expuestas. En la actualidad, el Centro de Investigaciones cuenta con 6 congeladores especiales cuyas temperaturas pueden llegar hasta los -26º C, así como dos cámaras especiales de exhibición y conservación y una cámara de transporte; temporalmente acondicionado en una casa.
La propuesta es un edificio atípico que remplace la casa provisional por un “hogar”
permanente de las momias el proyecto plantea explotar el potencial difusivo parecido a un centro cultural cuyo objetivo es la inserción social, mediante el fomento y desarrollo de tres grandes ámbitos: el tecnológico, arqueológico y el cultural, todo ello dentro de un motor turístico da como resultado un recinto para 726 personas de 10, 456m2 que en su mayoría son salas de exposición temática e interactiva, incluye un centro de investigación y conservación; un pequeño centro artesanal con las aulas, auditorio, talleres y una salas itinerante para los alumnos.
On September 2, 1995 an expedition was organized to volcano Ampato (Arequipa) to observe the effects of the eruption of Sabancaya and the possible detection of any archaeological evidence, a flash of light caught the attention of researchers, due to an unusual thaw was found the mummy called " JUANITA, THE GIRL OF ICE”, also known as the Lady of Ampato, maiden of the Andes, in very good condition; except for some parts of her body that were exposed. Currently, the Research Center has six special freezers where temperatures can reach -26 °C, with two special chambers for exhibition, conservation and translated; all that stuff temporarily conditioning in a house. The proposal is an unusual building that replaces the temporary home for a permanent "home" for the mums, the project proposes to exploit the potential diffusive like a cultural center whose aim is social inclusion through the promotion and development of three major areas: technological , archaeological and cultural, all within a tourism engine results in an enclosure to 726 people, most of which 456m2 are themed rooms and interactive exhibition, including a research and conservation center, a small craft center with classrooms , auditorium , workshops and a traveling facilities for students.
On September 2, 1995 an expedition was organized to volcano Ampato (Arequipa) to observe the effects of the eruption of Sabancaya and the possible detection of any archaeological evidence, a flash of light caught the attention of researchers, due to an unusual thaw was found the mummy called " JUANITA, THE GIRL OF ICE”, also known as the Lady of Ampato, maiden of the Andes, in very good condition; except for some parts of her body that were exposed. Currently, the Research Center has six special freezers where temperatures can reach -26 °C, with two special chambers for exhibition, conservation and translated; all that stuff temporarily conditioning in a house. The proposal is an unusual building that replaces the temporary home for a permanent "home" for the mums, the project proposes to exploit the potential diffusive like a cultural center whose aim is social inclusion through the promotion and development of three major areas: technological , archaeological and cultural, all within a tourism engine results in an enclosure to 726 people, most of which 456m2 are themed rooms and interactive exhibition, including a research and conservation center, a small craft center with classrooms , auditorium , workshops and a traveling facilities for students.
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Discipline: Arquitectura
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Artes
Grade or title: Arquitecto
Register date: 23-Jul-2018
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