Bibliographic citations
Fernández, E., (2014). Pronóstico de la demanda eléctrica a corto plazo utilizando redes neuronales artificiales aplicado al Sistema Interconectado Nacional [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Fernández, E., Pronóstico de la demanda eléctrica a corto plazo utilizando redes neuronales artificiales aplicado al Sistema Interconectado Nacional [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2014.
title = "Pronóstico de la demanda eléctrica a corto plazo utilizando redes neuronales artificiales aplicado al Sistema Interconectado Nacional",
author = "Fernández Quiñones, Ever Ronald",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2014"
In this thesis develops a proposal for forecasting electricity demand in the short term, based on artificial neural networks and applied to the National Interconnected Electric System (SEIN), which is modeled as a single bar is developed in this thesis; with the objective minimize the differences between the projected electricity demand and real. This new alternative for forecasting electricity demand, can be generalized to any bar of the National Interconnected System. This thesis develop a methodology for building a database of profiles of half-hourly electricity demand, grouped in typical days, seasonal periods and holidays. The validity of the results has been verified with real historical data. So also analyze e effect of climatic variables influencing electricity demand.
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