Bibliographic citations
Cáceres, J., (2017). Modelo de gestión para mejorar la productividad en obras de pavimentación ejecutadas por entidades en la región del Cusco [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Cáceres, J., Modelo de gestión para mejorar la productividad en obras de pavimentación ejecutadas por entidades en la región del Cusco [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2017.
title = "Modelo de gestión para mejorar la productividad en obras de pavimentación ejecutadas por entidades en la región del Cusco",
author = "Cáceres Herencia, José Arimaldo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2017"
This research is summarized in a management model to improve the productivity of paving works executed by public entities in the Cusco region, which includes the control of productivity during the life cycle of the project, planning, execution and control by the team of the residence and implement training and motivation directed towards all the personnel involved in the production chain of the entire portfolio of projects. To determine the different fields covered by the proposed management model, surveys have been carried out to all those involved in the production chain of the works under study and analysis; the surveys have been designed and directed in order to determine a diagnosis of the productivity variables, the organization of the works management team and the type of training and motivation that takes place in the executing agency. Likewise, daily productivity measurements of the most incidents of the three paving projects under study have been made, the observations were made to the labor and machinery crews; Subsequently, the compilation and processing of information was carried out with statistical probabilistic methods to determine the normal distributions of each activity and compare them among the works studied. Based on the results of productivity, diagnosis of the current situation of the organization, training and motivation of the works studied, the proposed management model is proposed, with the aim of improving the productivity of paving works executed by public entities ; finally, the proposed model is validated by specialists or experts in public and private management and administration, through a questionnaire in which six evaluation criteria are proposed so that the proposed management model can be implemented in any public entity in the Cusco region.
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