Bibliographic citations
Castillo, A., Solis, J. (2017). Análisis energético de la adición de residuos de cosecha al bagazo de caña de azúcar para la mejora del proceso de cogeneración en la industria azucarera: caso Agroindustrial Paramonga [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Castillo, A., Solis, J. Análisis energético de la adición de residuos de cosecha al bagazo de caña de azúcar para la mejora del proceso de cogeneración en la industria azucarera: caso Agroindustrial Paramonga [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2017.
title = "Análisis energético de la adición de residuos de cosecha al bagazo de caña de azúcar para la mejora del proceso de cogeneración en la industria azucarera: caso Agroindustrial Paramonga",
author = "Solis Barrientos, Joel Odilio",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2017"
This research work is the energy solution in a sugar agro-industrial plant, when the imbalance between availability of bagasse fuel and electricity production from cogeneration surplus for sale to the grid. Case study corresponds to the Agroindustrial Paramonga - AIPSAA, where the low amount of available bagasse, as well as the lack of experiences in the use of crop residues shank own the place (variety, climate, season, etc.), affect both efficiency as a fulfillment of the contract auction RER. As history is the use of sugar cane crop residues in the sugar industry of Colombia and Brazil. The procedure starts with the quantification of residues from harvesting, preparation, energy characterization and its combustion in mixture with bagasse in a bagasse boiler of 42 kg/cm2 and 410° C. Analysis consists of: quantify the relationship steam / bagasse depending on the current scenario, the relationship steam/mix (bagasse and harvest residue) to different moisture levels maintaining a ratio constant-based dry mix and determine the amount of steam and electricity to generate with the addition of crop residues. The use of crop residues in green sugar cane mechanized is a highly convenient alternative that increases the availability of such waste, as well AIPSAA planned in 2017 to reach 51% of harvested fields. Experimentally obtained a ratio of availability of 16,17 tons of crop residue on the dry basis per ton of cane harvested, then be treated reaching a net availability for combustion of 53 420 tonnes per year with 19% humidity. As a results of the energy analysis with evidence of addition of crop residues to combustion in boiler AIPSAA and bagasse in volumetric ratio 1:4, shows the performance improvement, increasing relationship tons of steam/tons of mixture by 3.1% to 48.1% mixture humidity. The humidity of the waste was 41.4% and 49.9% bagasse. This application will allow an increase in the generation of electricity from 40 920 MWh, this annually reach 100% of the RER quota compliance and reduce the purchase of 24 628 MWh electricity to the provider.
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