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Rivera, J., (2017). Modelo de simulación del estado funcional para pavimentos flexibles [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Rivera, J., Modelo de simulación del estado funcional para pavimentos flexibles [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2017.
title = "Modelo de simulación del estado funcional para pavimentos flexibles",
author = "Rivera Munarriz, Joisy",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2017"
Title: Modelo de simulación del estado funcional para pavimentos flexibles
Authors(s): Rivera Munarriz, Joisy
Advisor(s): Flores González, Leonardo
Keywords: Pavimentos; Modelo de simulación
Issue Date: 2017
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: La rugosidad de los pavimentos es la principal causa de incomodidad en los pasajeros y está asociada a la modificación del estado de esfuerzos y deformaciones de la vía, lo que repercute directamente en las labores de conservación, mantenimiento y rehabilitación. Es entonces importante predecir cuándo las vías han llegado a un nivel crítico de rugosidad con el objeto de determinar las acciones correctivas que se deben tomar.
Esta investigación presenta dos etapas, en la primera etapa se analiza el perfil longitudinal de la superficie del pavimento de la carretera Huaytara - Rumichaca, mediante la utilización del software ProVal a fin de verificar la relación directa entre el perfil longitudinal de la superficie del pavimento y el IRI.
La segunda etapa, se desarrolló utilizando información de la carretera La Oroya Jauja-Huancayo; cuya metodología se divide en dos fases, la primera consiste en clasificar y corregir los datos proporcionados por el Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones usando la técnica de las redes neuronales artificiales. Las variables procesadas para esta etapa son las deflexiones, obtenidas por el Falling Weight Deflectometer que previamente se clasifican por una red adaptativa SOM, y el módulo elástico de la carpeta asfáltica, variable ya determinada mediante investigaciones anteriores cuyos valores establecidos se consideran para esta investigación; mediante la aplicación del programa MODULUS se determinan los módulos elásticos de la base, subbase y subrasante; sin embargo, al no siempre ser calculados adecuadamente con el proceso de retrocálculo, estos módulos son entrenados con una red neuronal BP a fin de ser corregidos. La segunda fase, consiste en caracterizar cualitativamente las capas del pavimento considerando los índices Eb/Esr, Esb/Esr, SCI y BCI, a fin de definir el módulo elástico de la carpeta asfáltica y obtener una base de datos consistente. Las variables de entrada utilizadas en el modelo neuronal para la predicción del IRI son el índice Ebase/Esr (módulo elástico de la base sobre el módulo elástico de la subrasante) y el SCI (Surface Condition lndex), que como resultado presenta un coeficiente de correlación de 0.86 con el IRI, mostrando que el modelo de red neuronal elegida (red BP) se desempeñó satisfactoriamente.
The roughness of pavements is the main cause of discomfort for passengers and it is associated to the modification of the state of stress and deformations of the route, which affect directly conservation, maintenance and rehabilitation activities. Therefore, it is important to predict when the roads have reached critica! levels of roughness with the objective of determining the corrective actions to take. This research has two stages. In the first stage, the longitudinal profile of the pavement surface of the Huaytara - Rumichaca road is analyzed using the ProVal software in arder to verify the direct relationship between the longitudinal profile of pavement surface and The IRI. The second stage was developed using information from La Oroya- Jauja - Huancayo road; whose methodology is divided into two phases, the first is to classify and correct the data provided by the Ministry of Transpcirt and Communications using the technique of artificial neural networks. The variables processed for this stage are the deflections, obtained by the Falling Weight Deflectometer previously classified by an adaptive SOM network, and the elastic modulus of the asphaltic layer, already determined by previous research whose established values are considered for this research; by means of the application of the program MODULUS the elastic modules of the base, subbase and subgrade are determined; However, since they are not always adequately calculated with the back-calculation process, these modules are trained with a neural network BP in order to be corrected. The second phase consists in qualitatively characterizing the pavement layers considering the Eb / Esr, Esb / Esr, SCI and BCI indices, in order to define the elastic modulus of the asphalt folder and obtain a consistent database. The input variables used in the neural model for IRI prediction are the Ebase / Esr index (elastic modulus of the base on the elastic modulus of the subgrade) and the SCI (Surface Condition lndex), which results in a coefficient of Correlation of 0.86 with the IRI, showing that the chosen neural network model (BP network) performed satisfactorily.
The roughness of pavements is the main cause of discomfort for passengers and it is associated to the modification of the state of stress and deformations of the route, which affect directly conservation, maintenance and rehabilitation activities. Therefore, it is important to predict when the roads have reached critica! levels of roughness with the objective of determining the corrective actions to take. This research has two stages. In the first stage, the longitudinal profile of the pavement surface of the Huaytara - Rumichaca road is analyzed using the ProVal software in arder to verify the direct relationship between the longitudinal profile of pavement surface and The IRI. The second stage was developed using information from La Oroya- Jauja - Huancayo road; whose methodology is divided into two phases, the first is to classify and correct the data provided by the Ministry of Transpcirt and Communications using the technique of artificial neural networks. The variables processed for this stage are the deflections, obtained by the Falling Weight Deflectometer previously classified by an adaptive SOM network, and the elastic modulus of the asphaltic layer, already determined by previous research whose established values are considered for this research; by means of the application of the program MODULUS the elastic modules of the base, subbase and subgrade are determined; However, since they are not always adequately calculated with the back-calculation process, these modules are trained with a neural network BP in order to be corrected. The second phase consists in qualitatively characterizing the pavement layers considering the Eb / Esr, Esb / Esr, SCI and BCI indices, in order to define the elastic modulus of the asphalt folder and obtain a consistent database. The input variables used in the neural model for IRI prediction are the Ebase / Esr index (elastic modulus of the base on the elastic modulus of the subgrade) and the SCI (Surface Condition lndex), which results in a coefficient of Correlation of 0.86 with the IRI, showing that the chosen neural network model (BP network) performed satisfactorily.
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Discipline: Ingeniería Civil
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Civil
Grade or title: Ingeniero Civil
Register date: 7-Feb-2018
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