Bibliographic citations
Arteaga, E., Galindo, D. (2016). Estudio experimental para el diseño de humedales artificiales de flujo subsuperficial a escala piloto para la remoción de DBO en aguas residuales domésticas [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Arteaga, E., Galindo, D. Estudio experimental para el diseño de humedales artificiales de flujo subsuperficial a escala piloto para la remoción de DBO en aguas residuales domésticas [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2016.
title = "Estudio experimental para el diseño de humedales artificiales de flujo subsuperficial a escala piloto para la remoción de DBO en aguas residuales domésticas",
author = "Galindo Cabello, Dorian Alejandro",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2016"
This research evaluates the design of subsurface flow constructed wetlands as part of treatment of domestic sewage. Previously established design parameters were used and different configurations wetland sizing compared to determine the design criteria necessary to obtain a higher removal of BOD5. For this purpose the basic principles of treatment of domestic wastewater is used, as well as models of removal established for these systems, comparing 03 design parameters such as surface charge of BOD5 (Cs), hydraulic retention time (HRT) and the depth of the media (h) as these will have a close relationship in geometry and sizing of artificial wetlands. Three scale artificial wetlands were established with different configurations called wetland A, wetland B and wetland C in which these 03 parameters were used with different values each other as: Cs 3.7 g BOD5/ in B and 7.8 g BOD5/ A and C; depth (h) of 0.20m in A, 0.23m in B and 0.40m in C; and HRT of 0.63 days in A, 1.23 days in B and 1.26 days in C. Same control parameters as turbidity, pH, dissolved oxygen, suspended solids and COD were considered, with BOD5 concentration in the influent and effluent of each wetland. Monitoring for 52 weeks of selected parameters was performed and the variation or removal efficiencies in each artificial wetland they were determined, identifying design configuration high to low removal efficiency of BOD5 selected tributary from the UASB outlet located in CITRAR facilities, where the units were placed on a pilot scale. Through the experimental study necessary guideline for further removal of BOD5 was determined, where it is set as a parameter of greatest relevance to the surface charge of BOD5 (Cs), followed by hydraulic retention time (HRT) and finally the depth of the media (h). Additionally it was possible to see the close relationship between the depth of the media (h) the rate of removal of the first order exponential formula (KT), proposing the determination of a balance point to optimizing these 02 parameters. Finally, practical examples were developed taking into account the degree of removal required and the final dimensions of the unit, establishing definitive values, so that an excessive surface area and / or volume of upper filter material really necessary is not obtained for BOD5 desired end.
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