Bibliographic citations
Hinostroza, J., (2016). Evaluación de la gestión de costos y tiempos usados en proyectos de construcción en las grandes ciudades del Perú [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Hinostroza, J., Evaluación de la gestión de costos y tiempos usados en proyectos de construcción en las grandes ciudades del Perú [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2016.
title = "Evaluación de la gestión de costos y tiempos usados en proyectos de construcción en las grandes ciudades del Perú",
author = "Hinostroza Capani, José Cristhian",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2016"
This research performed a cost and time management assessment used in construction projects of great cities of Peru. The aim of this research was to reveal the practices and current surrounding problems in the Peruvian construction industry related to cost and time management. The data was obtained through a survey, research methodology, which consisted in a structured questionnaire made up of 22 multi chose questions. The sample population for this research came from a sample of the companies associated to Peruvian Chamber of Construction (CAPECO), obtaining as a representative sample of 23 companies, which were selected in a random way. The survey was achieved through interpersonal interviews, callings or mails. In addition, this research allowed revealing the effective project cost and time control inhibiting factors. First, 17 factor were proposed which are obtained from the literature review and then supported by professionals with great experience within the construction industry. These factors were classified according to its source, as follow: External environment factors, Project office factors, and Project internal factors. Then, these factors were presented to respondents who scored them which allowed determining how they affect the way of manage the cost and time of their projects. The results were explained with tables and graphics for a better understanding. Finally, an analysis and a discussion of the results were achieved in order of made inferences and recommendations that contributing to comprehensive approach and effective for the cost and time management of construction projects of Peru. For example, was concluded that although currently there are various modern techniques and technological tools to manage projects, a great percentage of construction companies have still been used classic techniques and technological tools such as Gantt Chart and Microsoft Excel, respectively.
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