Bibliographic citations
Flores, J., (2015). Diseño de un sistema integrado para el mejoramiento de procesos y optimización gerencial y logístico en el programa social Qali Warma [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Flores, J., Diseño de un sistema integrado para el mejoramiento de procesos y optimización gerencial y logístico en el programa social Qali Warma [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2015.
title = "Diseño de un sistema integrado para el mejoramiento de procesos y optimización gerencial y logístico en el programa social Qali Warma",
author = "Flores Vidal, Jimmy Grover",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2015"
ln recent years the ¡mprovement of processes and the ¡mplementation of software has become very ¡mportant to the economies of countries such growth brings with ¡t the need to develop methodologies focused on processes. This thesis presents the ¡mplementation of a process ¡mprovement cycle. The ¡mplementation runs on Qali Warma School Feeding Program ¡n Territorial unit Huanuco. The ¡ntroduction of cycle process ¡mprovement consists of an initial assessment of the level of process capabilities, based on the result Improvement Plan Process, which ¡s run by the team to ¡mprove the organization has, finally It ¡ncludes an assessment of post-implementation capabilities Improvement Plan. The evaluation of initiaI capabilities and end takes a reference model for the improvement and evaluation of processes, the ¡mplementation phase ¡s managed by the practices of the PMI (Project Management Institute (PMI) is an international non-profit partners related to Project Management Professional), which own implantation processes ¡nclude activities as well as training sessions and awareness talks, both directed to the employees of the ¡nstitution. As a final result the fulfillment of the work plan was obtained, ¡t was observed that the practices of the reference model were close to the reality of the organization, complementing what the organization already had defined, plus an increase was shown in the capabilities of the processes addressed.
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