Bibliographic citations
Toledo, W., (2013). Transporte en minas a cielo abierto: camiones versus sistema de chancado semi-movil dentro de tajo transportado por fajas [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Toledo, W., Transporte en minas a cielo abierto: camiones versus sistema de chancado semi-movil dentro de tajo transportado por fajas [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2013.
title = "Transporte en minas a cielo abierto: camiones versus sistema de chancado semi-movil dentro de tajo transportado por fajas",
author = "Toledo Salas, William Alex",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2013"
In large, hard rock, deep open pit mines, it has traditionally been used the shovel-truck method due to its great flexibility in operation and because it allows to follow mine plan with pushbacks. But, the use of this method implies high fuel costs, great carbon dioxide emissions due to the considerable quantity of diesel equipment, and several haulage accidents. So, most properties have forced themselves to look at various alternatives for material haulage. This thesis will propose a new transportation technology, which can be applicable to large Peruvian open pit mines. This technology will allow to reduce haulage costs significantly since those represent an important part of operative and capital costs. The new transportation technology is called In-Pit Crushing and Conveying (IPCC), and it is composed of an in-pit semi-mobile crusher unit (whose location will vary according to the mine deepness) and a conveyor haulage system which will be directed to the mine plant (ore) and the dump site (waste). At the dump site, the discharge of the material will be done by a spreader. The first chapters of this thesis will introduce the supporting theory (geologic resources and developed to the mine plan) and economic and financial basic concepts. Also, the theory behind the IPCC system is introduced. Finally, the last chapter offers an analysis for the use of various haulage alternatives for an iron project. It has been taken into account each step involved in designing each option and its individual mine plan. From revenues, costs and investments, an annual cash flow is estimated for each alternative. Then, an economic evaluation is developed in order to determine which alternative is the most profitable.
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