Bibliographic citations
Becerra, G., Paulino, J. (2012). El análisis de confiabilidad como herramienta para optimizar la gestión del mantenimiento preventivo de los equipos de la línea de flotación en un centro minero [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Becerra, G., Paulino, J. El análisis de confiabilidad como herramienta para optimizar la gestión del mantenimiento preventivo de los equipos de la línea de flotación en un centro minero [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2012.
title = "El análisis de confiabilidad como herramienta para optimizar la gestión del mantenimiento preventivo de los equipos de la línea de flotación en un centro minero",
author = "Paulino Romero, Jony Melchor",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2012"
This research evaluates and analyzes the relationship between cause and effect variables, "Reliability Analysis" and “Optimization of Maintenance Management of the Line of Flotation equipment from the concentrator plant Berna II” at the Casapalca Mining Company, finding a poor maintenance management of critical equipment for the floating line (waterline), as a result of a lacking in knowledge by the staff, about plant maintenance, concerning the qualitative and quantitative techniques or maintenance statistics, which involve the analysis of reliability, maintainability and availability of equipment and systems, among other things. We have been found also, that predictive maintenance is not taken into consideration. In this context, we do not know which are the critical equipment of different production lines from the plant or what stage of their life cycle are at, nor are carried out analysis of failure modes and effects of that equipment, also not handled historical or statistical historical data between equipment failures to assess its reliability and determine the optimum preventive maintenance cycle of each critical equipment based on reliability analysis, among others. All these shortcomings, has led to inadequate implementation of frequency or cycles of equipment maintenance of the flotation line of the plant (every thirty days), causing economic losses for the company. In this situation, to optimize the management of equipment maintenance of the waterline, using Reliability Analysis tool, in this research first, we have investigated the relationship of critical equipment of the production line (qualitative technique) and, then, using time historical data or statistical between failures of critical equipment, and software RELEST and DISMA, for determining the best distribution of failures probability, and the characteristic times with their own probabilities, we determined the Optimal preventive maintenance cycle of critical equipment for the line of flotation, based on reliability analysis of them. Also, bearing in mind the optimum maintenance cycle is proposed preventive maintenance planning for each critical equipment, thus achieves the goal of improving or optimizing the Management of Maintenance of equipment of that production line. Keywords: Reliability, Maintainability, Availability, Processi, Maintenance, Quality Management, Maintenance Management, Mean Time Between Failures, Mean Time To Repair.
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