Bibliographic citations
Bravo, A., (2011). Diseño e implementación de una biblioteca digital distribuida basada en web services para el sector educación [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Bravo, A., Diseño e implementación de una biblioteca digital distribuida basada en web services para el sector educación [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2011.
title = "Diseño e implementación de una biblioteca digital distribuida basada en web services para el sector educación",
author = "Bravo Vecorena, Aland",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2011"
This work refers to the Regulation Oriented Architecture (ROA) for a design and implementation of a distributed digital library, for which a base prototype has been designed to implement proof of concept, which is expected to be a reference for methodological and technological improvements in education sector. ROA is an architecture created by the thesis’s author that is based on four components: project management methodologies, ROA support technologies, infrastructure regulations and development base lines. The great value of the proposed architecture ROA has been high because it integrates the best current methodologies and technologies for the development of business applications. With the Internet’s explosion there is a growing need to integrate systems that support an organization's processes in a systemic manner. The decision to implement a distributed digital library application, using ROA architecture as a proof of concept, has born from interest to test the feasibility and technical methodology in resolving any difficulties in actual implementation. But the proposed ROA architecture has not been confined to the education sector and the fruits of this investigation can be apply very easily to other contexts such as health sector, SME Sector, etc. it means all those areas where information systems integration at low cost has a remarkable value for the nation. This project builds a digital library prototype using ROA distributed architecture over SOA infrastructure, which consists of a server process that decodes the language from the BPEL language generated from BPMN conventional processes modelled from a library, both level information flows and user interfaces. The process server is coupled to the application server via the WSDL generated from UML use cases implemented via JBoss J2EE-business components. The advantage of using ROA is that it uses a unified methodology for project management which includes mainly the PMBOK-PMI with the RUP as part of the methodological techniques for software engineering. With the Support Technology ROA component we used open source technologies such as BPMS- Intalio, MySQL, Red Hat Linux, JBoss, Ajax for the presentation layer and Axis to be the service layer, which can ensure the project investment maintaining an acceptable cost benefit. With Regulatory Infrastructure ROA enables regulatory compliance of international standards through the use of regulatory infrastructure libraries, in our case we use ITIL and 6-Sixma. With ROA Development line base we directly assess results at country level, considering the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed ROA versus SOA architecture. Finally the results are detailed in terms of development time, user interface and interoperability concerns.
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