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Matos, C., (2012). Caracterización del accidente de la Laguna Naticocha [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Matos, C., Caracterización del accidente de la Laguna Naticocha [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2012.
title = "Caracterización del accidente de la Laguna Naticocha",
author = "Matos Avalos, Carmen Rosalia",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2012"
Title: Caracterización del accidente de la Laguna Naticocha
Authors(s): Matos Avalos, Carmen Rosalia
Advisor(s): Pérez Verástegui, Guillermo Abdón
Keywords: Laguna Naticocha; Inundación de mina; Estudio hidrológico; Mecánica de suelos; Mecánica de rocas
Issue Date: 2012
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: El estudio del accidente de la Laguna Naticocha ocurrida el 22 de Abril de 1998, trata de caracterizar las causas que ocasionaron la inundación de la mina Animon, propiedad de la Empresa Administradora Chungar S.A., donde el resultado fue la pérdida de vidas humanas, materiales y la suspensión de las operaciones mineras.
Para caracterizar el evento se consideró investigar los aspectos geológicos, hidrológicos, geomecánicos y la operación minera, que permitirá determinar la causa raíz entre los factores que ocasionaron la inundación de la Mina.
En la investigación de campo, se desarrolló un recorrido desde el borde Este de la Laguna Naticocha y a 60m de distancia del Pique Montenegro sobre los 4.600 m.s.n.m.; en esta zona se formó una depresión en forma de embudo, cuya área en la cota superior es de 1 000m2 aproximadamente y en la cota inferior se conecta al Nivel 575 mediante una abertura de 2m de diámetro.
Se bajó al Nivel 575 a través del camino auxiliar recorriendo 45m al Oeste hasta llegar a la abertura de 2m de diámetro que estaba comunicado con la superficie, en el recorrido el primer tramo de 10m se encontró una abertura vacía en el piso, comunicando con el Nivel 540, esta abertura corresponde al Tajeo 44 Lado Este.
Se recorrió la ruta que siguió el agua desde la Laguna Naticocha, en el trayecto se desarrolló la línea de detalle y el levantamiento topográfico, toma de muestras y todos los datos referentes a la inundación de las minas Animón y Huarón.
Luego del estudio hidrológico de la laguna, la mecánica de suelos del sedimento lacustrino y la mecánica de rocas del macizo rocoso, se han analizado los factores que habrían provocado el evento como: efecto del sedimento lacustrino, nivel de agua de la laguna, factores geológicos estructurales, efectos de la operación minera, subsidencia de labores antiguas, disolución del carbonatos del macizo rocoso, estudio limnológico y la combinación de ellos.
The study about the accident at the Naticocha Lagoon that occurred on 22 April 1998, tries to characterize the causes that led to the flooding of the mine Animón, owned by the Empresa Administradora Chungar S.A., where the result was loss of human lives and temporal stopping of mining operations. To characterize the event, it has been considered geological investigations, hydrological and geomechanical aspects as well as mining operation surveys. The main objective is to determine the root cause among the factors that caused the flooding of the mine. An onsite study was carried out starting on the East of the lagoon Naticocha edge located at 60 m of distance from Montenegro at an altitude of about 4,600 a.s.l. The flooding caused a depression in a funnel shape; this funnel hole had at its higher elevation an area of 1 000 m2 and at its lower elevation it was connected to level 575 through an opening of 2m diameter. An inspection was carried out to the level 575 through an auxiliary gallery of 45m that connected to the 2m diameter hole at the lower part of the funnel hole. After 10 m of walking an open stope was located, it was the East Stope 44 that was open without any backfilling; it was vacuumed by the flood. It was taken a detailed survey along the different mining works where the flood went through from Naticocha lagoon. After the hydrological study of the lagoon, the mechanics of soils of the sediment lacustrine and mechanics of rocks of the Rock, the factors that would have caused the event where analyzed: effect on lacustrine sediment by the high level water of the lagoon, structural geological factors, effects of the mining operation, subsidence of old mining workings, dissolution of the carbonates of the Rocky massif study Limnological and combination of them.
The study about the accident at the Naticocha Lagoon that occurred on 22 April 1998, tries to characterize the causes that led to the flooding of the mine Animón, owned by the Empresa Administradora Chungar S.A., where the result was loss of human lives and temporal stopping of mining operations. To characterize the event, it has been considered geological investigations, hydrological and geomechanical aspects as well as mining operation surveys. The main objective is to determine the root cause among the factors that caused the flooding of the mine. An onsite study was carried out starting on the East of the lagoon Naticocha edge located at 60 m of distance from Montenegro at an altitude of about 4,600 a.s.l. The flooding caused a depression in a funnel shape; this funnel hole had at its higher elevation an area of 1 000 m2 and at its lower elevation it was connected to level 575 through an opening of 2m diameter. An inspection was carried out to the level 575 through an auxiliary gallery of 45m that connected to the 2m diameter hole at the lower part of the funnel hole. After 10 m of walking an open stope was located, it was the East Stope 44 that was open without any backfilling; it was vacuumed by the flood. It was taken a detailed survey along the different mining works where the flood went through from Naticocha lagoon. After the hydrological study of the lagoon, the mechanics of soils of the sediment lacustrine and mechanics of rocks of the Rock, the factors that would have caused the event where analyzed: effect on lacustrine sediment by the high level water of the lagoon, structural geological factors, effects of the mining operation, subsidence of old mining workings, dissolution of the carbonates of the Rocky massif study Limnological and combination of them.
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Discipline: Maestría en Ciencias con Mención en Ingeniería de Minas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Geológica, Minera y Metalúrgica. Unidad de Posgrado
Grade or title: Maestro en Ciencias con Mención en Ingeniería de Minas
Register date: 12-Oct-2015
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