Bibliographic citations
Aquiño, C., (2010). Sistema de gestión tecnológica educativa en los centros de formación tecnológica, modelo de centro y estructura organizativa [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Aquiño, C., Sistema de gestión tecnológica educativa en los centros de formación tecnológica, modelo de centro y estructura organizativa [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2010.
title = "Sistema de gestión tecnológica educativa en los centros de formación tecnológica, modelo de centro y estructura organizativa",
author = "Aquiño Gomero, Carlos Manuel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2010"
The research project of this thesis includes two well-defined sections. The first section refers to a diagnosis on the Technological Education in Peru, with an emphasis on the State Institutes of Technology. In this regard, important experiences have been obtained from the Experimental Programs developed in the last three decades in Peru by the support of the International Technical and Financial Cooperation. The second section refers to a proposal for a New Model of Center of Competitive Management and Organizational Structure for the Centers of Technological Education, in order to permit a radical change in the educational quality and the image of the technological education in Peru. The evaluation of the Technological Education is important because it reveals the diversity and quantity of professors and students in these centers, the problems and difficulties confronting each center, and the true potential that these centers can achieve. The Experimental Programs have been developed since 1993 to date. They show these processes of experimentation and the validation of the curricular proposal on the Competency-Based Approach and the Modular Curricular Structure, by means of different projects and programs. The Experimental Programs count on the support of sponsoring organizations, such as the Spanish Agency of International Development Cooperation (AECI), the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), the European Community, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), among others, in agreement with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion. Furthermore, the creation of the General Directorate of Professional Technical Education (DIGESPUT) in the Ministry of Education, as a regulatory agency for the development of the Technological, Pedagogical and Technical-Productive Education, and of the Directorate of Technological and Technical-Productive Education (DESTP), as an agency for the supervision and assessment of the education in the IST and CETPRO, have become transcendental and strategic to look forward with optimism upon the technological education in Peru. In the second section, a new System of Educational Technology Management and a Model of a Center with a Modern Organizational and Functional Structure are proposed for the Centers of Technological Education. The following three issues must be taken into account: -Quality professional technological education, supported by the newly proposed model of professional education. -Employability, by means of successful job placement of young professional graduates and the re-employment of adults who lost their jobs. -Entrepreneurship and business development, which must offer the young professional graduate experience of business life through promoting and running his/her own enterprise. Therefore, it is my wish to provide Peru with a quality professional technical education that responds to current social, productive, technological and economical demands, so that it constitutes an effective tool for the competitive development of our country.
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