Bibliographic citations
Villafuerte, A., (2010). Propuesta de mejora del proceso de elaboración y gestión de estudios del programa de caminos departamentales que desarrolla provías descentralizado del Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Villafuerte, A., Propuesta de mejora del proceso de elaboración y gestión de estudios del programa de caminos departamentales que desarrolla provías descentralizado del Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2010.
title = "Propuesta de mejora del proceso de elaboración y gestión de estudios del programa de caminos departamentales que desarrolla provías descentralizado del Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones",
author = "Villafuerte Vizcarra, Alcides",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2010"
We analyzed the management adopted in the last four years by the Special Project decentralised Transport Infraestructure - PROVIAS DESCENTRALIZADO of the Ministery of Transportation and Communications (MTC) in the preparation of projects for the rehabilitation of roads in the Departmental Roads Program - PCD, develops under fe National System of Public Investment - SNIP, in all the country and has a funding of US$ 200 million, of which US$ 50 million is funded by the World Bank, for Inter-American Development Bank - BID and the remaining US$ 100 million are provided as a local counterpart. The scope Improvement Project subject of this Thesis, refers specifically to the analysis of time spent on the preparation of studies, and on the basis of this analysis have dentified issues fundamentally affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the proyect cycle that goes through the Public Investment Project (PIP) under the rules of the SNIP. In the context, it has raised an Improvement Project which aims primarily to reduce the time used in the preparation of studies from the pre-investment stage to completion of final study, so as not to exceed 340 days schedule and also can be used as a management tool by the Regional Governments and Local Governments in the field of competence.
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