Bibliographic citations
Ruiz, W., (2021). Validez de constructo de empowerment y liderazgo bajo técnicas de análisis de datos ordinales y continuos en el contexto Universitario Lambayecano [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Ruiz, W., Validez de constructo de empowerment y liderazgo bajo técnicas de análisis de datos ordinales y continuos en el contexto Universitario Lambayecano []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2021.
title = "Validez de constructo de empowerment y liderazgo bajo técnicas de análisis de datos ordinales y continuos en el contexto Universitario Lambayecano",
author = "Ruiz Coronado, Willam Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2021"
In the present study, it provides empirical evidence of the impact on the assessment of the construct validity of a scale when considering ordinal data as continuous variables that follow a normal distribution. The objective of the study was to: Contrast if the use of analysis techniques for ordinal data versus the use of techniques for continuous data analysis generates significant differences in the assessment of the construct validity of the leadership scales (MLQ 5X) and empowerment (PEQ), measured in the lambayecano university context. 451 university professors from seven Lambayeque universities responded to the self-reports of Bass and Avolio's full-range leadership model (1997) and Spreitzer's work-based psychological empowerment model (1995). With the data obtained, two confirmatory factor analysis was performed for each scale. One considering the data as coming from variables measured in interval scale and the other respecting the ordinal nature of it. By hypothesis testing, the existence of differences in the psychometric properties of each scale was evaluated when using one or the other method. The results show significant differences in the evaluation of the construct validity of the MLQ 5X and PEQ scales when using analysis techniques for ordinal data with respect to those obtained through techniques for continuous data analysis. The first showing greater power in assessing the validity of the construct.
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