Bibliographic citations
Rodriguez, J., (2024). Efecto del cuento en la expresión oral en estudiantes del quinto grado de Educación Primaria - Institución Educativa N° 1198 - La Ribera [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Rodriguez, J., Efecto del cuento en la expresión oral en estudiantes del quinto grado de Educación Primaria - Institución Educativa N° 1198 - La Ribera []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2024.
title = "Efecto del cuento en la expresión oral en estudiantes del quinto grado de Educación Primaria - Institución Educativa N° 1198 - La Ribera",
author = "Rodriguez De La Cruz, Jheny Flor",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2024"
The objective of this research work was to demonstrate the effect of the story on the development of oral expression in fifth grade students of primary education at the Educational Institution No. 1198 - La Ribera. The hypothesis formulated was: The story has a significant effect on the development of oral expression in fifth grade students of primary education at the Educational Institution No. 1198 - La Ribera. The research was of quantitative approach, of applied type, whose design was quasi-experimental, with pretest and posttest applied to the sample (experimental group and control group). The population consisted of 50 students enrolled in the 5th grade of primary level, and the sample comprised of 40 students (20 students in the control group and the other 20, the experimental group). The instrument called Checklist for oral expression was applied to the sample, then the sessions on the story were developed only with the experimental group in order to significantly improve oral expression in the students. Finally, the post-test was applied to the sample to check the results. It was concluded that: The story has a significant effect on the development of oral expression in fifth grade students of primary education at Educational Institution No. 1198 - La Ribera - Lurigancho, 2023.
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