Bibliographic citations
Diaz, M., (2022). Programa de Animación a la Lectura Digital para Fortalecer los Niveles de Comprensión de Textos Escritos en los Estudiantes de 4 años de la Institución Educativa Inicial N° 096 “Emilia Barcia Boniffatti” del Distrito de San Miguel - Lima [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Diaz, M., Programa de Animación a la Lectura Digital para Fortalecer los Niveles de Comprensión de Textos Escritos en los Estudiantes de 4 años de la Institución Educativa Inicial N° 096 “Emilia Barcia Boniffatti” del Distrito de San Miguel - Lima []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2022.
title = "Programa de Animación a la Lectura Digital para Fortalecer los Niveles de Comprensión de Textos Escritos en los Estudiantes de 4 años de la Institución Educativa Inicial N° 096 “Emilia Barcia Boniffatti” del Distrito de San Miguel - Lima",
author = "Diaz Cornejo, Maria Georgina",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2022"
The objective of this research work was the purpose of this research is to verify that the digital reading animation program favors the levels of comprehension of written texts in the 4-year-old students of the Educational Institution No. 096 "Emilia Barcia Boniffatti. This was done research with the purpose of promoting the development of reading comprehension in the 4-year-old students of cycle II of the classroom the inventors of Regular Basic Education. The The research carried out is of a quantitative type with a quasi-experimental design, which we seek is to strengthen the reading comprehension of 4-year-old students through application of an interactive digital reading program. The sample is made up of 25 students. Information was collected through two instruments: a survey for the variable interaction program to digital reading applied to families. The second instrument is an observation rubric to identify the level of reading comprehension in which the students are located, this instrument was used for the second variable reading comprehension levels. For the statistical analysis, the questionnaire was used. Google Forms the statistical result where the processing consisted of describing, analyze, contrast and verify the hypotheses.
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