Bibliographic citations
Ramos, M., (2021). Habilidades cognitivas y aprendizaje de la matemática en los estudiantes del 5° grado de educación primaria de las Instituciones Educativas de Fe y Alegría del distrito de Ventanilla, región Callao, 2020 [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Ramos, M., Habilidades cognitivas y aprendizaje de la matemática en los estudiantes del 5° grado de educación primaria de las Instituciones Educativas de Fe y Alegría del distrito de Ventanilla, región Callao, 2020 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2021.
title = "Habilidades cognitivas y aprendizaje de la matemática en los estudiantes del 5° grado de educación primaria de las Instituciones Educativas de Fe y Alegría del distrito de Ventanilla, región Callao, 2020",
author = "Ramos Perez, Martha Damisela",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2021"
This investigation analysed since the question why cognitive abilities has a relationship with mathematics learning in students of 5th grade of the primary level in Educative Institution Fe y Alegria of the Ventanilla district, Callao region, with a population of 285 students from V cycle in Regular Basic Education, with a probability sampling of 159 students chosen. For intervene and reflect on the question that have been used the variables: cognitive abilities and mathematics learning. The approach employed is quantitative of a descriptive correlational design, applying the instruments for the cognitive abilities variable: The Cattell General Intelligence Test, factor “g”, scale 2, each one consists of four subtest being the following: a) Series: 12 items, b) Classification: 14 items, c) Matrices: 12 items, d) Conditions: 8 items. For the learning variable of mathematics, the TEA-1 test School Aptitudes Test was used, this instrument has review of reliability, validity and analysis of TEA's items, consist of three dimensions: Vocabulary (drawing:15 items, different words: 15 items, vocabulary: 20 items), Reasoning: 27 items and Calculation: 54 items. To determine the scale of reliability of the survey, between the relationship of cognitive abilities and mathematics learning, it was verified through the Cronbach’s Alpha method, which we can deduce an excellent reliability demonstrating a reliable instrument and that the measurement are stable and consistent. Spearman’s Rho coefficient is 0,000 indicating that in the relationship between the two variables there is a significant correlation. In the two variables studied the significance is 0,000 < 0, 05, so the null hypothesis is rejected and the research hypothesis is accepted.
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