Bibliographic citations
Martinez, P., (2021). Estrategias de lectura y comprensión lectora de textos narrativos de los estudiantes del ciclo I de la Universidad Católica los Ángeles de Chimbote 2016 [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Martinez, P., Estrategias de lectura y comprensión lectora de textos narrativos de los estudiantes del ciclo I de la Universidad Católica los Ángeles de Chimbote 2016 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2021.
title = "Estrategias de lectura y comprensión lectora de textos narrativos de los estudiantes del ciclo I de la Universidad Católica los Ángeles de Chimbote 2016",
author = "Martinez Muñante, Pedro Juan",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2021"
The present research work: aims to demonstrate how reading strategies influence the literal, inferential and criterial comprehension of the students of cycle I of the Catholic University Los Angeles de Chimbote 2016; through the application of reading strategies in various types of texts related to the curricular network of cycle I, by which it was possible to improve the level of reading comprehension. The research consisted in the development of 10 sessions, using in each session a different technique implemented with novel materials; this included a period of three months. This research has used the research design, quasi-experimental, because it determined the influence of the variables independent of the reading strategies in the dependent variable that is the reading comprehension study variables, relying on the deductive hypothetical method, the study population was conformed by 67 students, in 2 sections, 201 with 34 students, 202 with 33 students, the sample is made up of the experimental group in charge of 201 and the control group in charge of the 202. In the data collection the appropriate evaluation technique was applied to determine the influence of the reading strategies, the analysis of the data was made with the hypothesis test with the Mann Whitney U test. Therefore, according to the statistical evidence shows that reading strategies do significantly influence the level of reading comprehension of students of cycle I of the Catholic University Los Angeles de Chimbote 2016, with a p value of 0.001 lower than the level of established significance.
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