Bibliographic citations
Lopez, M., (2021). Condiciones de trabajo y satisfacción laboral de los egresados de la Escuela Académico - Profesional de Lingüística de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos - 2017 [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Lopez, M., Condiciones de trabajo y satisfacción laboral de los egresados de la Escuela Académico - Profesional de Lingüística de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos - 2017 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2021.
title = "Condiciones de trabajo y satisfacción laboral de los egresados de la Escuela Académico - Profesional de Lingüística de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos - 2017",
author = "Lopez Floreano, Maria Alejandra",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2021"
This research work had the general objective of determining the influence of working conditions on the job satisfaction of graduates of the Academic School-Professional Linguistics of the National University of San Marcos in public and private companies in Lima-2017, the specific objectives imply the dimensions of the employment content, the job position, the environment of the position and social relations. The quantitative research approach was used, the type of research is descriptive and correlational, as well as the research design is non-experimental (transectional classification). The sample consists of 46 graduates, the survey was used as a technique and two questionnaires were applied as instruments. For this study, it was found that there is a moderate positive correlation between the variables working conditions and job satisfaction with respect to the object of study, determined Rho Spearman´s Rho = 0.481, in addition the level of significance is 0.001, therefore, it is accepted the alternative hypothesis and the null hypothesis is rejected.
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