Bibliographic citations
Llanos, C., (2021). Gestión administrativa, desempeño y el desarrollo de operaciones en los desastres naturales de la 1ra Brigada de Multipropósito de la II División de Ejército [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Llanos, C., Gestión administrativa, desempeño y el desarrollo de operaciones en los desastres naturales de la 1ra Brigada de Multipropósito de la II División de Ejército []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2021.
title = "Gestión administrativa, desempeño y el desarrollo de operaciones en los desastres naturales de la 1ra Brigada de Multipropósito de la II División de Ejército",
author = "Llanos Fernandez, Carlos Alfredo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2021"
The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between Administrative Management, Performance and the Development of Operations in Natural Disasters of the 1st Multipurpose Brigade of the II Army Division. The methodology is quantitative approach, correlational level, basic type, with a non-experimental, descriptive correlational design. The population is made up of 360 soldiers from the 1st Multipurpose Brigade of the II Army Division. The sample is considered census because 100% of the population was selected. The data collection instrument is a questionnaire per variable. SPSS version 23 software will be used to process the data. For the processing of the results obtained through the different data collection instruments, as well as for their interpretation, the analysis and synthesis methods were used. The value of the statistic F = 4.431 and its respective p-value (sig.) Equal to zero, is less than = 0.05 (5%), then H0 is rejected, therefore, with a 5% level of significance we assume that both; The score of the development of operations variable is explained by the score of the independent variables, in a multiple linear manner. This result indicates that: There is a direct and significant relationship between Administrative Management, Performance and the Development of Operations in Natural Disasters of the 1st Multipurpose Brigade of the II Army Division.
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