Bibliographic citations
Quintana, S., (2021). Gestión del conocimiento y la investigación formativa en la formación profesional, de los estudiantes de la Escuela Profesional de Contabilidad en la Universidad Nacional de San Martín – Tarapoto, Año 2017 [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Quintana, S., Gestión del conocimiento y la investigación formativa en la formación profesional, de los estudiantes de la Escuela Profesional de Contabilidad en la Universidad Nacional de San Martín – Tarapoto, Año 2017 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2021.
title = "Gestión del conocimiento y la investigación formativa en la formación profesional, de los estudiantes de la Escuela Profesional de Contabilidad en la Universidad Nacional de San Martín – Tarapoto, Año 2017",
author = "Quintana Pumachoque, Silvestre",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2021"
The scientific research work had the theme to be developed: Knowledge management and formative research in professional training, of the students of the Professional School of Accounting at the National University of San Martin Tarapoto, 2017, on the other hand, had It takes into account the nature of the study in order to be able to specify its quantitative, correlational level, applied type approach, but in terms of its design it was considered as non-experimental cross-sectional. A population of 358 students of the Professional School of Accounting at the National University of San Martin was considered as a population, located in the city of Tarapoto, province of San Martín and department of San Martín, and, as a sample, 186 were themselves. In addition, instruments were developed (questionnaires for both variables), which were reviewed and signed by the expert opinion. These instruments were applied in which it was obtained as a result that: (knowledge management and formative research in the students of the Professional School of Accounting at the National University of San Martin Tarapoto, 2017), through the statistical test or also called Rho Spearman correlation was (0.745 * - 74.5%) less than 0.05, this being an acceptable relationship between the variables (mean positive correlation). (** p <0.000). concluded that: this somehow allows to accept the relationship between knowledge management and formative research in students of the Professional School of Accounting at the National University of San Martin Tarapoto, 2017
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