Bibliographic citations
Martinez, C., Cruz, G. (2021). Implementación de estrategias y adaptación del entorno para la incorporación de personal con limitaciones auditivas en el área de clasificación de materia prima en una empresa de hilados de fibra orgánica de Arequipa, 2019 [Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Martinez, C., Cruz, G. Implementación de estrategias y adaptación del entorno para la incorporación de personal con limitaciones auditivas en el área de clasificación de materia prima en una empresa de hilados de fibra orgánica de Arequipa, 2019 []. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Implementación de estrategias y adaptación del entorno para la incorporación de personal con limitaciones auditivas en el área de clasificación de materia prima en una empresa de hilados de fibra orgánica de Arequipa, 2019",
author = "Cruz Phoccori, Genaro Vicente",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2021"
The present investigation, titled; "Implementation of Strategies and Adaptation of the Environment for the Incorporation of Personnel with Hearing Limitations in the Area of Classification of Raw Material in an Organic Fiber Yarn Company of Arequipa, 2019", has as main objective; establish strategies and implement them to incorporate and adapt personnel with hearing limitations in the Raw Material Classification Area in an Organic Fiber Yarn Company in Arequipa, in the period 2019. For this purpose, the “Survey to measure the level of Employee satisfaction regarding the insertion of personnel with hearing limitations”, eight employees with hearing impairment and twenty-five normal hearing, making a total sample of thirty-three employees. For a correct understanding of the information collected in this document, the following scheme is detailed: Chapter 1 details general research data, such as the problem statement, research questions, the objectives of the study carried out, its justification, as well as the scope and limitations that arose during the research process. Chapter 2 addresses the main theoretical foundations necessary to optimize the understanding of the research. Chapter 3 corresponds to the state of the art; this shows a compilation of results from other research related to our main research topic at the regional, national and international levels. Chapter 4 details information regarding the methodology used in our study, the detail of the population and sample, its description and operationalization of variables. Chapter 5 provides relevant information about the company and its current situation. In addition to detailing the applied research methodology. In Chapter 6, an analysis is made of the main problems presented since the incorporation of personnel with hearing limitations; As a result, strategies are established to improve said incorporation. The results obtained and interpretations about the follow-up carried out are shown, in which the increase in satisfaction can be observed in the increase in communication effectiveness of the staff by 25%; 19% improvement in the physical conditions of the facilities and emergency response security measures within the Raw Material Classification area; maintenance of accident rates at 0% of the non-hearing personnel and 100% satisfaction regarding the participation of the non-hearing personnel in the Training Program. Finally, the conclusions, recommendations, annexes and bibliographic references that were used in the research are presented.
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