Bibliographic citations
Gómez, J., Sumiano, S. (2018). Implementación de mecanismos de seguridad brindados por Android para el desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles bancarias en Lima [Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Gómez, J., Sumiano, S. Implementación de mecanismos de seguridad brindados por Android para el desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles bancarias en Lima []. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2018.
title = "Implementación de mecanismos de seguridad brindados por Android para el desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles bancarias en Lima",
author = "Sumiano Monterrey, Sergui Angelo",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2018"
This research work shows us the main security mechanisms that must be applied during the development of banking applications for Android devices. In its content, the main security problems of mobile devices and their applications are explained in a general way, according to several national and international research sources. Together with these vulnerabilities we present the mechanisms that are used to mitigate them and their relationship with the pillars of the information. We also focus on the specific vulnerabilities of banking applications according to reports and studies in International banks and in Latin America, proposing measures to cover these problems, through the development of a demo that emulates the activities of a banking application, on which we will apply mechanisms that cover a certain number of the vulnerabilities found. Within the work is included statistics that we collect from users about security in mobile devices and the results of the implementation of security mechanisms in the demo of the banking application.
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