Bibliographic citations
Castillo, L., Portal, C. (2021). El apalancamiento financiero como estrategia competitiva para participar en las contrataciones públicas con el estado [Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Castillo, L., Portal, C. El apalancamiento financiero como estrategia competitiva para participar en las contrataciones públicas con el estado []. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2021.
title = "El apalancamiento financiero como estrategia competitiva para participar en las contrataciones públicas con el estado",
author = "Portal Sihuin, César Alberto",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2021"
The presentresearch work called "Financial leverage as a competitive strategy to participate in public contracting with the state", has as its main objective to describe, analyze and interpret the influence that financial leverage has, as a competitive strategy to participate in public contracting with the state, in order to essentially contribute to micro and small entrepreneurs, to guide their participation strategies in public tenders. The present study, as a methodology, was developed within the framework of a qualitative approach, since the main sources of information were the documentary research and the free interview with professionals specialized in the research topic. Finally, the following main conclusion was reached: financial leverage or indebtedness, it is a debt instrument used by companies to finance a certain investment with a projection to increase its profitability. Being that, the degree or percentage of leverage will depend on the cash flow and the payment capacity that the companies have.
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