Bibliographic citations
Caytuiro, M., Rujel, E. (2020). Factores que permiten identificar el uso de la Teoría “X“ o “Y” de Mc Gregor en la empresa Oechsle que opera en el centro comercial Real Plaza Centro Cívico en el periodo 2020 [Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Caytuiro, M., Rujel, E. Factores que permiten identificar el uso de la Teoría “X“ o “Y” de Mc Gregor en la empresa Oechsle que opera en el centro comercial Real Plaza Centro Cívico en el periodo 2020 []. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2020.
title = "Factores que permiten identificar el uso de la Teoría “X“ o “Y” de Mc Gregor en la empresa Oechsle que opera en el centro comercial Real Plaza Centro Cívico en el periodo 2020",
author = "Rujel Arroyo, Eduardo Manuel",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2020"
The present study called "Factors that allow to identify the use of the theory" x "and" y "of mc gregor in the company oechsle that operates in the real plaza centro civico shopping center" which aims to know the factor according to the theory " X ”and“ Y ”of McGregor used by the Oechsle company to improve the performance of its workers. For this, 29 company employees were used as a sample using the interview and the focus group as a qualitative technique, so the instrument was taken as quiz and meeting guide. Two types of interviews were conducted for five collaborators and four heads of these to have two different perspectives on the variables, with respect to the focus group, 20 collaborators participated. The instruments were validated by experts to give security and reliability to the results. Both the responses of the collaborators and bosses agreed that there is motivation, communication and the assignment of tasks is carried out properly, it was concluded that the Oechsle company uses the “Y” leadership style since their motivation is based on creating a good work environment, Communication is effective as it is clear and without misunderstandings. In addition, tasks are efficiently delegated, which in this company has allowed improvement in work performance.
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