Bibliographic citations
Espinoza, M., (2021). Capacidad de respuesta de la supervisión de obra ante las consultas de incompatibilidad entre especialidades durante la ejecución de la obra del Hospital Regional de Huánuco, aplicando la metodología del Virtual Design and Construction – Huánuco –2021 [Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Espinoza, M., Capacidad de respuesta de la supervisión de obra ante las consultas de incompatibilidad entre especialidades durante la ejecución de la obra del Hospital Regional de Huánuco, aplicando la metodología del Virtual Design and Construction – Huánuco –2021 []. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Capacidad de respuesta de la supervisión de obra ante las consultas de incompatibilidad entre especialidades durante la ejecución de la obra del Hospital Regional de Huánuco, aplicando la metodología del Virtual Design and Construction – Huánuco –2021",
author = "Espinoza Alvarado, Mirtha Patricia",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2021"
In order to improve the factors that generate deficiencies in the response capacity of the work supervision in the face of incompatibility consultations between specialties during the execution of the work "Improvement of the Resolution Capacity of the Health Services of the Regional Hospital Hermilio Valdizán de Huánuco level III-1”. The purpose of this research work is to provide information management tools that will help improve these deficiencies, for which management methodologies that are known worldwide will be applied, such as the one that will be applied in this research work, which is the Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) Methodology. The application of this methodology is very relevant for this research work, because it uses the informationtechnology of Building Information Modeling (BIM), in order to identify those incompatibilities between specialties that the project presents and the Lean Construction philosophy through the ICE sessions, which will help us improve the coordination and integration of the technical team, through collaborative work to resolve queries regarding incompatibility between specialties during the execution of the work. In addition, with this research work, it is sought to determine the technical procedures to improve the response capacity of the construction supervision in the face of incompatibility consultations between specialties, so that these can be resolved in a timely manner and in this way meet the established deadlines. Finally, mention that all the information collected is in order to meet the research objectives, and then carry out its analysis and interpretation. Likewise, it concludes by providing two formats as a management tool, the first contributes with the registration of important data for the identification of queries and the second contributes with the necessary data for the acquittal of queries, in this way the standardization of information; In both formats, the technical procedures are defined in order to answer queries in a timely manner and in compliance with the established deadlines, thus improving the response capacity of the construction supervision in the face of incompatibility queries between specialties in the project. in study.
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