Bibliographic citations
Carrión, J., (2021). Automatización de pruebas para optimizar los procesos de desarrollo de software para gestión de productos de belleza [Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Carrión, J., Automatización de pruebas para optimizar los procesos de desarrollo de software para gestión de productos de belleza []. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Automatización de pruebas para optimizar los procesos de desarrollo de software para gestión de productos de belleza",
author = "Carrión Haro, Jesús David",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2021"
The present project seeks to improve the software development process using the Scrum methodology as an agile work environment in the digital technology development company INETUM on behalf of the EMPRESA DE PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA corporation. The general objective of the research was to automate testing to optimize software development processes for beauty product management. Generally there is a lack of development methodologies within the framework of collaborative work, especially in the case of developing projects related to information systems; but thanks to the effort made by Team Scrum, it was possible to obtain the automation of tests to optimize the software development processes for the management of beauty products; seeking that the objectives are focused directly on the users of the system, both internal and external. For this reason, we resorted to the Scrum methodology since it presents an agile work environment with which the integration of the user to the system development process is achieved, likewise we had the commitment of the entire development team to obtain a quality software that meets customer requirements and is also satisfactory for the customer, through the use of good Scrum practices. By the results obtained, the programming tools allowed us to obtain an understanding of the coded functionalities, integration of analysts and programmers, a perfect management of source code in function of time and also a control before eventual errors and updates that could be required. On the other hand, the established international norms and standards that form the ISO/IEC 25000 family provided us with a whole range of quality characteristics and sub characteristics that allow us to evaluate the degree of functionality of the final software development product; we also had to consider traditional development methodologies that served as a reference to the software product that was developed.
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