Bibliographic citations
Aguilar, H., Espinoza, J., García, M., Ramirez, R., Solis, J. (2021). El estrés académico y la educación remota en estudiantes del tercer ciclo de pregrado de las carreras de la Facultad de Negocios de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana, 2021-2 [Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Aguilar, H., Espinoza, J., García, M., Ramirez, R., Solis, J. El estrés académico y la educación remota en estudiantes del tercer ciclo de pregrado de las carreras de la Facultad de Negocios de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana, 2021-2 []. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2021.
title = "El estrés académico y la educación remota en estudiantes del tercer ciclo de pregrado de las carreras de la Facultad de Negocios de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana, 2021-2",
author = "Solis Asencios, Jenny Susan",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2021"
The present study aims to determine the relationship between academic stress and remote education in students of the third cycle of undergraduate careers of the Faculty of Business of a private university in Metropolitan Lima, in 2021-II.The participants were 80 students of both genders. The methodology used developed the quantitative approach, with correlational scope and non-experimental design, using the survey as a technique and two multiple choice questionnaires, the SISCO SV-21 instrument and a validated questionnaire on remote education.The results showed that remote education decreases the impact that the group of stressors investigated has on students, and that two of them individually do generate stress during synchronous remote education. Likewise, remote education decreases the symptoms that students may feel in the face of the stressors evaluated, with the exception of 4 symptoms that occur in synchronous remote education. Regarding coping strategies, it was found that their use is facilitated with remote education.It is concluded that the variables academic stress and remote education present a negative correlation, with a value for Pearson's coefficient of r = -0. 024097, thus demonstrating that both variables have a proportional inverse relationship, which means that with remote education academic stress is lower, but existing, since 78%of the sample reported having stress, with 52% perceiving it as mild, 12% as moderate and 36% as severe; important results to highlight, especially in current times in which the pandemic produces stress and has forced to expand the use of the remote modality to ensure the continuity of university education, coinciding with UNESCO (2020).
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