Bibliographic citations
Goñas, J., (2021). Implementación de una plataforma de virtualización de servidores para mejorar la plataforma del sistema de información marítima en la empresa Transmeridian, Lima 2021 [Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Goñas, J., Implementación de una plataforma de virtualización de servidores para mejorar la plataforma del sistema de información marítima en la empresa Transmeridian, Lima 2021 []. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Implementación de una plataforma de virtualización de servidores para mejorar la plataforma del sistema de información marítima en la empresa Transmeridian, Lima 2021",
author = "Goñas Pisco, Joselin",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2021"
This document aims to implement an infrastructure with virtualized environment for the servers of the Transmeridian S.A.C company, in recent years there have been several incidents in the physical servers of the computer center, such as hardware problems, storage limit, high memory consumption, as well as the delay of solution to incidents of both hardware and operating system. Some cases have had to wait 2 months or more for the replacement of the part that has been the causeof the failure for the repair of a computer. These problems have become more frequent during the last 2 years. Consequently, we have had interruptions of morethan 4 hours to restore services opting for various solution alternatives to continue operatingwith the application platform of the Sistema de Información Marítimaof the company.The deployment project enables you to achieve a virtualization solution with VMware with the reduction of physical servers.This document is developed using Dell's DTPM2 methodology to fit the scope and its phases have been changed to be understandable the sequence of activities performed during implementation.The achievements of the solution implemented with VMware product were to increase the availability of services, thereby reducing the risk of unplanned outages for the Sistemas de Información Marítimaplatform, reducing the number of physical servers in the data center, and improved server incident management.It should be noted that the server virtualization tool is a scalable solution over time and virtual servers have the capacity to grow in resources.a
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