Bibliographic citations
Guerra, J., (2022). Defectos técnicos de redacción, calidad psicométrica y barreras del docente en la construcción de preguntas de opción múltiple en exámenes parciales y finales en la asignatura de Morfofisiología de la carrera de Medicina Humana en una universidad privada de Lima durante el periodo 2021-II [Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Guerra, J., Defectos técnicos de redacción, calidad psicométrica y barreras del docente en la construcción de preguntas de opción múltiple en exámenes parciales y finales en la asignatura de Morfofisiología de la carrera de Medicina Humana en una universidad privada de Lima durante el periodo 2021-II []. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Defectos técnicos de redacción, calidad psicométrica y barreras del docente en la construcción de preguntas de opción múltiple en exámenes parciales y finales en la asignatura de Morfofisiología de la carrera de Medicina Humana en una universidad privada de Lima durante el periodo 2021-II",
author = "Guerra Valencia, Jamee",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2022"
Use of multiple-choice questions is a useful resource since it allows assessingdifferent content on a large scale and with appropriatevalidity when its quality is adequate. However, the presence of item writing flaws is frequent, which together with inadequate psychometric characteristics alters the validity of the assessmentsand the teaching-learning process itself. In addition, the writing process is time-consuming and requires training.For these reasons, the present research aims to describe the itemwritingflaws, psychometric quality and teacher’sbarriers in the construction of multiple-choice questions in the subject of Morphophysiology of the Human Medicine career of a Private University of Lima, during the 2021-II period.The study had a quantitative approach, descriptive scope and non-experimental design. Four exams were analyzed, with a total of 180 questions. All teachers of the course(n = 30) duringthe 2021-II semester responded a survey.The results showed that the most frequent item writing flaws were unfocused stems, no homogeneous distractorsand with convergence. Almost half of all the questions analyzed had more than two defects. The indices of difficulty, discrimination and distractor the were inadequate and heterogeneousover time.The main teacher’sbarriers were low extrinsic motivation associated with low institutional recognition and lack of security for online exams and the perception of lack of time available for clinical-care activities. Teachers' self-perception of their proficiency in writing questions was high.It is concluded that the presence of writing defects was high, the psychometric quality was insufficient, with a pattern of decrease over time and that the most important teaching barriers are related to extrinsic motivation and thetime constraintsto writethem.
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