Bibliographic citations
Zevallos, C., Copello, J., Rojas, R. (2021). Plataforma tecnológica de intermediación entre técnicos de reparación y mantenimiento de servicios en el hogar, con clientes potenciales de la ciudad de Lima y la Provincia del Callao [Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Zevallos, C., Copello, J., Rojas, R. Plataforma tecnológica de intermediación entre técnicos de reparación y mantenimiento de servicios en el hogar, con clientes potenciales de la ciudad de Lima y la Provincia del Callao []. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Plataforma tecnológica de intermediación entre técnicos de reparación y mantenimiento de servicios en el hogar, con clientes potenciales de la ciudad de Lima y la Provincia del Callao",
author = "Rojas Barriga, Rodrigo",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2021"
The purpose of this research work is to develop a business plan based on a technological platform, where potential clients in the city of Lima and the province of Callao will be able to request the services of home technical specialists. The company's name is "T-Ayudo", its slogan, "can't you?”,“I help you" and with a S.A.C. regime. We will have digital channels through which the client will be able to request different services and find a specialized technician to assist him in a fast and safe way. The main source of income will be through a 15% commission on each service performed, which will be charged to the customer user. As the research work develops, we will focus on households in Metropolitan Lima and the province of Callao, within the socioeconomic level A and B, with lifestyle accordingto (Arellano Consulting, 2017) of sophisticated, progressive, modern, with behavioral style to acquire non-essential services through digital channels and that values the use of their time. The marketing strategies designed are focused on positioning the brand as the best option in the home services market, with speed, guarantee and security as differential attributes. According to the financial evaluation and a conservative scenario, profits are projected from the firstyear, with a VAN of S/ 191,852.65 and an TIR of 76.32% on the KE calculated for the sector of 25.47%. All these data were made on an initial investment of S/ 310,239.85.
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