Bibliographic citations
Gaona, Y., (2021). Implementación de la metodología de seguridad basada en el comportamiento (SBC) para la reducción del índice de accidentabilidad en la contratista minera MMECSOL Empresa Especializada S.A.C., Ica – 2020 [Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Gaona, Y., Implementación de la metodología de seguridad basada en el comportamiento (SBC) para la reducción del índice de accidentabilidad en la contratista minera MMECSOL Empresa Especializada S.A.C., Ica – 2020 []. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Implementación de la metodología de seguridad basada en el comportamiento (SBC) para la reducción del índice de accidentabilidad en la contratista minera MMECSOL Empresa Especializada S.A.C., Ica – 2020",
author = "Gaona Coa, Yadir Fabian",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2021"
The implementation of the Behaviour-Based Safety (BSC) methodology aims toreduce the accident rate in maintenance work by identifying the sub-standard acts that employees commit when carrying out their activities, which will be monitored through feedback, letters of commitment from the worker, awareness, training, safety culture, compliance and constant supervision.The general objective of this work is to reduce the accident rate and to reduce the reports of sub-standard acts among the employees of the aforementioned company by applying the SBC methodology to all the employees of the company with a sample of 10 workers, including mechanics and welders. By using new indicators that were taken into account by failures that occurred and emphasizing these issues, which directly influenced, in reducing the accident rate; I have implemented more effective corrective actions to comply with them, and demonstrating a great reduction in reported racs; achieving a ratio of indicators yielding a result of perfect negative association denoting that if more indicators are applied to each reported racs its effectiveness will be absolute.
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