Bibliographic citations
Camacho, M., Flores, L., Meza, N. (2021). Aplicación de la política de inclusión educativa en discapacidad física y desempeño de los docentes de pregrado de una universidad privada de Lima en la sede central 2020 [Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Camacho, M., Flores, L., Meza, N. Aplicación de la política de inclusión educativa en discapacidad física y desempeño de los docentes de pregrado de una universidad privada de Lima en la sede central 2020 []. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Aplicación de la política de inclusión educativa en discapacidad física y desempeño de los docentes de pregrado de una universidad privada de Lima en la sede central 2020",
author = "Meza Bazalar, Nilton Jesús",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2021"
The objective of the research was to analyze how is theapplication of the policy of educational inclusion in physical disability and the performance of teachers in a private university in Lima at the 2020 headquarters.Therefore, the qualitative research methodology was used, with the descriptive scope of a phenomenological type, in which it was applied through a semi-structured survey (inquiry guide) that was segmented into three levels: motor, auditory and visual. The population was made up of teachers and students.The sample was: a former manager (also a teacher) who has worked at CONADIS, five university teachers who have had experience in teaching related to the issue of educational inclusion, nine students who have perceived some experience of students with disabilities, and one expert in educational pedagogy in the elaboration of workshops for institutes that include students with disabilities and social inclusion (MINEDU).The three categories applied in educational inclusion policies are deficient; For this reason, it is considered that there are no work policies in the educational institution, fewer protocols for higher academic education in any of the disability processes (motor, auditory and visual); however, teachers proactively make some personal efforts to develop extracurricular activities, with technology based on sign language.For this reason, it is concluded that there are no work policies, procedures or pedagogical strategies, or curricula, to face the conditions of students with a disability problem (motor, visual and auditory). A recommendation from a teacher was that the curriculum should be designed according to each disability, and thus use the methods, methodologies, procedures and tools in the quality area (psychopedagogical area), which should be designed with a constant interaction ofthe teachers and students in solving specific problems with specific protocols.
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