Bibliographic citations
Larico, E., Sarmiento, I., Ruiz, M., Tarazona, S., Tribeño, W. (2022). El acompañamiento pedagógico y su contribución al desarrollo de las competencias profesionales de los docentes de la carrera de Educación de una escuela superior pedagógica pública de Lima Metropolitana, durante el periodo 2021 – I [Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Larico, E., Sarmiento, I., Ruiz, M., Tarazona, S., Tribeño, W. El acompañamiento pedagógico y su contribución al desarrollo de las competencias profesionales de los docentes de la carrera de Educación de una escuela superior pedagógica pública de Lima Metropolitana, durante el periodo 2021 – I []. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2022.
title = "El acompañamiento pedagógico y su contribución al desarrollo de las competencias profesionales de los docentes de la carrera de Educación de una escuela superior pedagógica pública de Lima Metropolitana, durante el periodo 2021 – I",
author = "Tribeño Silva, William Enrique",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2022"
The present research has as main goal to investigate how the pedagogical accompaniment contributes to the development of professional skills in the teachers of the Education career from one Public Pedagogical Higher School of Metropolitan Lima, during the academic period 2021-I.The sample was composed of 15 teachers and 4 managers of the mentioned institution. Methodology used in the present investigation had a qualitative approach, the scope is explanatory and phenomenological design. The technique used to collect data was an interview, this was done with teachers and managers. The instrument used was the interview guide.The results show that the institution does not have a formal pedagogical accompaniment program; however, teachers and managers stated that the pedagogical accompaniment was developed considering the social components, since interpersonal relationships between teachers and students are always encouraged; the psycho pedagogical, because the companion uses feedback to strengthen the teaching and learning process of the teacher; the scientist, thanks to the fact that activities are developed to promote research and interculturality, since the appreciation of cultures and healthy coexistence are encouraged.Regarding the competences, they mentioned that they are positively impacted, in the case of content they state that the selection and preparation of disciplinary content is carried out through teamwork, taking as a reference the materials of previous courses, curricula, regulations and the profile of egress; on the other hand, they emphasize that the communication of information is understandable and well organized. In the case of pedagogical competences through work in the planning of the teaching and learning process, methodologies, assertive communication, reflection and research, as well as the existence of a tutoring plan for teachers and students, who work as a team and are involved in the activities of the institution. In the case of technological competences, due to the situation caused by Covid-19, which caused the transfer of face-to-face education to virtual education, it was necessary for the institution to carry out multiple activities to train its teaching staff in the use and integration of ICTs, given their importance in the teaching-learning process in virtual environments.
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