Bibliographic citations
Paredes, A., Rodríguez, A. (2017). Acogimiento al régimen laboral de la micro y pequeña empresa y su efecto en las contingencias laborales en la empresa industrias Grafisol E.I.R.L, en la ciudad Trujillo en el año 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Paredes, A., Rodríguez, A. Acogimiento al régimen laboral de la micro y pequeña empresa y su efecto en las contingencias laborales en la empresa industrias Grafisol E.I.R.L, en la ciudad Trujillo en el año 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2017.
title = "Acogimiento al régimen laboral de la micro y pequeña empresa y su efecto en las contingencias laborales en la empresa industrias Grafisol E.I.R.L, en la ciudad Trujillo en el año 2016",
author = "Rodríguez Esquivel, Ada",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2017"
ABSTRACT The present research aims to determine the effect of the acceptance of the Labor Regime of the Micro and Small company in the labor contingencies in Grafisol E.I.R.L Industries that according to the diagnosis of their current labor situation is within the informality. The labor informality brings as consequence several labor contingencies for a company classified as administrative labor contingencies: Infractions, fines and as judicial labor contingencies: lawsuits, favorable judgments to the worker, embargoes, payment of costs and coastlines, criminal Criminal complaints which are more extensive under the laws of the General Labor Regime. Formalize and benefit from a Special Labor Regime, can reduce and even avoid these contingencies and favor the growth of the company In relation to the results obtained that demonstrate that the support to the Special Labor Regime as Microenterprise reduce the various labor contingencies, favoring that workers benefit from social benefits, just as belonging to the Labor Regime Especially reduce considerably the payment of fines in the case of incurring labor infractions. Through the registration to the Micro and Small Business which is a simple and free process that accredits the formality of a small or microenterprise, Grafisol Industries have the characteristics to be accepted under the modality of micro-enterprise thanks to it can have a special labor regime that allows it to reduce various labor contingencies. With the proposal of the Labor Regime of the Micro and Small Business, it is intended to generate a contribution to the company, which entails reducing labor contingencies and thus avoiding the payment of large fines, but they are rectified in time before a labor inspection by the supervisory agencies, complaints and / or demands on the part of their workers, all in a joint way can improve the organization, the team work and the work climate so that the workers feel committed to the development of its functions and contribute to its productivity and achieve its objectives as a company.
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