Bibliographic citations
Vilela, J., (2021). Factores que intervienen en el personal para incrementar la productividad laboral en una empresa del rubro de servicios de administración de documentos en Lima en el año 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Vilela, J., Factores que intervienen en el personal para incrementar la productividad laboral en una empresa del rubro de servicios de administración de documentos en Lima en el año 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2021.
title = "Factores que intervienen en el personal para incrementar la productividad laboral en una empresa del rubro de servicios de administración de documentos en Lima en el año 2018",
author = "Vilela Taza, Jacqueline Junett",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2021"
This research is titled "Factors that intervene in personnel to increase labor productivity in a company in the document management services business in Lima in 2018". The general objective of the research is to identify the factors that intervene in the personnel to increase labor productivity in a company in the document management services business in Lima in 2018. The type of research is descriptive, the design is an approach non-experimental and cross-sectional. The study population is 32 people and they are workers of the document administration company in Lima, the sample that was taken is 30 people. The technique to be used is the survey and to carry out the data collection work, the questionnaire instrument was used on the factors that intervene in the personnel to increase labor productivity, the questionnaire was worked on based on the Likert scale in virtual format. With the results obtained in this research, it has been concluded that the factors that intervene in the personnel to increase labor productivity in a company in the document administration services business in Lima in 2018, with the greatest effect is the climate work, training and working conditions and as a minor effect motivation, which the company must work on this last dimension. The Subvariables of the research were: Motivation, work environment, working conditions and training.
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