Bibliographic citations
Corcuera, H., Mayanga, J. (2018). Auditoria operativa en el departamento de ventas de la empresa Plastiboom S.A.C. ubicada en el distrito de Lurigancho, 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Corcuera, H., Mayanga, J. Auditoria operativa en el departamento de ventas de la empresa Plastiboom S.A.C. ubicada en el distrito de Lurigancho, 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Auditoria operativa en el departamento de ventas de la empresa Plastiboom S.A.C. ubicada en el distrito de Lurigancho, 2016",
author = "Mayanga Portal, Jean Paul Martin",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
This research work, entitled "Operational audit in the sales department of the company Plastiboom S.A.C. located in the district of Lurigancho, 2016 ", presents as a purpose, evaluate the importance and development of risk assessment with an approach based on comprehensive risk management COSO ERM of an industrial company that belongs to the sector of manufacture of plastic products . In addition, it is proposed to study the causes of the decrease in revenues in the company, according to the comparative analysis of sales for each period, since we observe its influence in the other areas of the existing processes, since it originates with an application of merchandise by the customer. When we observed that sales decreased in the last two periods, we decided to analyze this area to have a greater study about the risks that may exist in its process and at the same time to formulate proposals for improvement. In chapter I, we pose the problematic reality, the general and specific objectives of this thesis will be established, as well as the justification, the scope and the limits of it. In addition, in chapter II, the theoretical framework of the investigation is presented, detailing the fundamental concepts of the operational audit, phases of the audit, audit processes, internal control under the COSO ERM method and sales audit. On the other hand, in chapter III, it refers to the application of the test of the general and specific hypothesis. In chapter IV, it refers to the operationalization of the variables. Also, in chapter V, it refers to the results of the research work. Finally, we mention the discussion, conclusions, recommendations, references and annexes of this thesis.
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