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Vásquez, J., (2019). Influencia de la cultura organizacional en la creación de valor público [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Vásquez, J., Influencia de la cultura organizacional en la creación de valor público [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2019.
title = "Influencia de la cultura organizacional en la creación de valor público",
author = "Vásquez Correa, José Luis",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2019"
Title: Influencia de la cultura organizacional en la creación de valor público
Authors(s): Vásquez Correa, José Luis
Advisor(s): Velasco Luza, Luis Felipe
Keywords: Cultura organizacional; Calidad total; Educación
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2-Dec-2019
Institution: Universidad Privada del Norte
Abstract: En la dinámica de todo país, el sector educación constituye uno de los pilares más importantes y determinantes al momento de gestar un proceso de desarrollo. Es sobre esta premisa que la presente obra se propuso demostrar la influencia que ejerce la cultura organizacional regente en las Unidades de Gestión Educativa Local peruanas dentro de la creación de valor público. Estudiando doce entidades del departamento de Cajamarca, bajo un criterio emanado de la descentralización y fundado por las limitaciones en cuanto a control que este proceso, en el Perú, aun presenta.
Para un análisis adecuado, se examinaron dos poblaciones; la primera conformada por 472 colaboradores pertenecientes a las referidas instituciones; y la segunda constituida por un total de 22 887 docentes dependientes de las mismas. El estudio exhibe un nivel descriptivo – correlacional de tipo cuantitativo, con un diseño no experimental – transversal. Habiendo empleado los métodos; analítico, deductivo, inductivo y estadístico; siendo utilizado este último para realizar la prueba de hipótesis general, a través del coeficiente de correlación de Pearson.
Los resultados muestran que la cultura organizacional de las UGEL´s examinadas, tienen como promedio un coeficiente medio-alto que se condice con el cociente medio-alto de valor público calculado a través de los usuarios de dichas entidades. Probando una correlación positiva, fuerte y altamente significativa entre ambas.
In the dynamics of every country, the education sector constitutes one of the most important and determining pillars at the time of developing a development process. It is on this premise that the present work set out to demonstrate the influence exerted by the regent organizational culture in the Peruvian Local Education Management Units within the creation of public value. Studying twelve entities of the department of Cajamarca, under a criterion emanating from decentralization and founded by the limitations in terms of control that this process, in Peru, still presents. For an adequate analysis, two populations were examined; the first formed by 472 collaborators belonging to the aforementioned institutions; and the second constituted by a total of 22 887 teachers dependent on them. The study exhibits a descriptive - correlational level of quantitative type, with a non-experimental - transversal design. Having used the methods; analytical, deductive, inductive and statistical; the latter being used to perform the general hypothesis test, through the Pearson correlation coefficient. The results show that the organizational culture of the UGELs examined, have on average a medium-high coefficient that is consistent with the medium-high ratio of public value calculated through the users of these entities. Testing a positive, strong and highly significant correlation between both variables.
In the dynamics of every country, the education sector constitutes one of the most important and determining pillars at the time of developing a development process. It is on this premise that the present work set out to demonstrate the influence exerted by the regent organizational culture in the Peruvian Local Education Management Units within the creation of public value. Studying twelve entities of the department of Cajamarca, under a criterion emanating from decentralization and founded by the limitations in terms of control that this process, in Peru, still presents. For an adequate analysis, two populations were examined; the first formed by 472 collaborators belonging to the aforementioned institutions; and the second constituted by a total of 22 887 teachers dependent on them. The study exhibits a descriptive - correlational level of quantitative type, with a non-experimental - transversal design. Having used the methods; analytical, deductive, inductive and statistical; the latter being used to perform the general hypothesis test, through the Pearson correlation coefficient. The results show that the organizational culture of the UGELs examined, have on average a medium-high coefficient that is consistent with the medium-high ratio of public value calculated through the users of these entities. Testing a positive, strong and highly significant correlation between both variables.
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Discipline: Maestría en Gestión Pública
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada del Norte. Escuela de Posgrado y Estudios Continuos
Grade or title: Maestro en Gestión Pública
Register date: 6-Feb-2020
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