Bibliographic citations
Díaz, C., (2018). Enfoque basado en procesos para mejorar la logística de entrada de una empresa de servicios de salud. Trujillo, 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Díaz, C., Enfoque basado en procesos para mejorar la logística de entrada de una empresa de servicios de salud. Trujillo, 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Enfoque basado en procesos para mejorar la logística de entrada de una empresa de servicios de salud. Trujillo, 2018",
author = "Díaz Sánchez, César Narcés",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
The general objective of this study was to: Determine how the Process Approach improves the entry logistics of a health services company. In the diagnosis of the current situation of the company, it was verified that the evaluated indicators did not reach their goals, found a 60.63% internal customer satisfaction with respect to logistics management and 51% in relation to compliance with requirements as "Process approach" for management systems according to ISO / TC 176 / SC 2 / N 544R3, qualifying it as a means. Thus, based on the diagnosis of the current situation, the Process Approach was implemented. To this end, the following was designed: process map, DAP, characterization sheets for each process, indicator sheets, and for continuous improvement, the Deming cycle or PDCA Cycle was used and, as an added value to the study, risk management in the entry logistics was carried out based on requirements of the ISO 31000 standard. Logistics management The study concluded with the verification of the effectiveness of the implementation of the Process Approach. An increase in internal customer satisfaction was achieved by 18.71%, it has been possible to improve the indicator of products and services compliant by 3.85%, in warehouse management it was possible to increase the indicator of inventoried products without adjustment of stock in 4.04% and in the supply, the percentage of satisfied service requirements was improved by 9.29%. Finally, the economic evaluation was done taking into account all the savings generated and the costs of the proposal, implementation and operation. The realized cash flow showed a VAN = S/ 11580.88, a TIR = 72.60% and a relation B/C= 1.81. This shows the improvement of the efficiency of the entrance logistics and the viability of the work from the economic point of view.
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